Monday 16 September 2019

366 night in the woods - asking selmers about missing kids

Dear Readers,

Today's investigation started with Aunt Molly telling me the test results on the arm we found. She told me to be careful as strange stuff was going on.

I made sure to get on the powerlines so she could yell at me to get off too :) she didn't yell anymore though when I got back on them.

I went to see Rabies to ask how was life with him. I told him about this assignment in school I had where the topic was where I wanted to see myself in 15 years time. I talked about my corn farm with a wife picture and we eat pizza and play video games after a day's work. She has rough hands from her work and we have two big cats and a dog and we all howl at the moon together. I asked Rabies about his babies plan and that I didn't have any.

Selmers was all worried because of how sick I looked. I said I was just tired and headachey and I was up for a new poem! She had one about stars and one about Longest Night.

I asked Selmers if she noticed anything weird here lately, this time asking about "Missing Kids" She said she didn't think so, not lately at least. She mentioned Casey disappearing last spring but he wasn't a kid anymore. She said maybe someone else but from another town. She was trying to remember. I said even though I asked her I didn't expect her to know. She said she reads the paper. After that it was just chatter about the weather and how snow was coming soon.

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