Friday 13 September 2019

363 night in the woods - home safe from the city, home safe with dad

Dear Readers,

When I got home I sketched the events of the night in the city in my journal.

On the left page I drew the super cute girl I met at the party along with stars and hearts around her head. I also drew the pentagram above her head and wrote the word BOMBSHELL underneath. On the right page I drew Bea and myself, sitting back to back on the bench with some stars around us. I wrote the words MAE DAE above and BEA BEA underneath. I also wrote STUCK TOGETHER and DON'T SUCK TOGETHER, separated by a lightning bolt. Some nice doodles!

I said hi to dad. He said hello and was like wow, and asked if I was ok. I said no and sat on the couch beside him. He asked me what was going on. I said I couldn't talk about it and he said I'll have to start talking sometime, calling me kitten. This time I said "Where to even start?" and talked about the same stuff I did last time, only adding that I had that big fight with mom and about all the money problems. He said yeah, money problems make everything worse and he knew it.

I said I couldn't do anything about it, I didn't even know if I could hold down a job and I wondered aloud how was I ever going to survive and... I was getting panicky and upset. Dad calmed me down, saying it was ok.

After a pause, dad suggested I get some sleep. I asked if I could stay down here for a bit and he said for as long as I liked. We watched Garbo and Malloy, where they were talking about the afterlife, church, potlucks and cliffhangered on contacting the dead.

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