Sunday 15 September 2019

365 night in the woods - mom asks me to rest easy and not to worry

Dear Readers,

I looked at our family picture on the wall and felt like it had been years since I got back home. I asked the bird to pray to its bird gods for my soul. I went downstairs to mom.

Mom asked if I felt any better from the other day and I said I was sleeping a lot, but feeling worse. She said she was gonna make me an appointment with Dr. Hank and I told her it was fine. She said it very much wasn't and that I was still her baby. Aw...

I said I kept thinking about the money problems and the house and I was just so sorry and that we wouldn't be in this situation if I wasn't such a massive screw up. I said I wanted to fall into a pit and die right now.

Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't wish that particular thing so hard :(

Mom said it was ok really and that we'd figure something out. She said it wasn't on me to fix and that she was sorry if she made it seem that way. She said what was done was done and we were a family together regardless. She said to please stop worrying about it. I said whatever happened, I loved her and I needed her to know that. She said you too.

After a pause I sniffled.

Then I said I was gonna head out. She asked if I was sure I didn't want to stay home and rest. I said I had stuff to do. She asked what it was I had to do and I said I didn't even know honestly. She said to please take it easy and I said I would. We both exchanged love yous and that was that. I had to go out and investigate stuff.

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