Monday 30 September 2019

380 night in the woods - gregg ain't scared of no owls!

Dear Readers,

I went to the woods with Bea, Gregg and Angus staying close behind me. This was a night hike and Gregg said he had to listen for owls. I asked him why and this time he said owls were cool. Different bit of dialogue from last time :) let's see what else is different...

We marched towards the woods, pausing on the bridge just before them. I said I had never been up here and Gregg said he was here when he was 12 or something. Bea paused to say a prayer before we went up there, which surprised all of us.

We climbed up the hill and came across the discarded mine carts. We didn't pause to look out for owls, since this time Gregg didn't get attacked by one!

I made my spaced out observation on the discarded mine carts and how it made me shudder to think of them out here at night when you're trying to sleep. The others told me to snap out of it. We almost gave up and went home, but we continued until we finally happened across the evil red glow ahead...

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