Wednesday 25 September 2019

375 night in the woods - breaking open the graveyard gate

Dear Readers,

Bea and I finally got past the 3 weird teens and into the next part of the graveyard.

The music got mysterious and all spooky.

Bea brought up ghosts. She said she didn't know if she believed in them but... and then she asked me about the way I said I had been seeing ghosts at night. She said she didn't super believe it wasn't just dreams because obviously it was dreams. I said ok and that was certainly her take on it. She then asked me if I ever saw her mom. I said "Yes", that it was hard to recognise anyone but you can get a sense of people and I was pretty sure I saw her. She made an ellipsis before saying really? I said that was as far as I could tell. She said she just... wanted to know her mom was somewhere and ok. I told her her mom was somewhere and she was ok. She then said thanks and she didn't know if I was just lying or if I dreamed it or what. She said but even if I just made all that up it was nice of me.

After a pause she said anyway, the bad news was we were locked out by that big gate. I was like ugh, why make a gate in a graveyard? She said it was to keep people like me out! And stop whatever it was I was probably gonna do. I was like hm, yeah we may never know for sure! She said she wasn't climbing it and told me to do my thing. I was like my thing? and she said I was good at this kinda thing! Brute force and stuff! I was like geez! Gotta do everything around here! She said it was my ghost and she was just the driver! I said fine and told her to hang out and I'll be back.

I had control again and full control too! Bea stood in front of the locked gate and I used some roofs to hop over the gate completely.

I walked on a bit and the hill went downward. I came to a point where I couldn't proceed and thought how there was no way I was gonna leave Bea beahind... uh... behind. Hehe sorry couldn't resist :) I was like ugh, Beatrice. Just learn to jump! I guess she couldn't with those scrawny legs. I thought how could I break that gate open?

Then I climbed up on the tree next to the gate and found a creaky branch. I hopped on it a few times and the whole heavy branch fell on the gate, completely banjaxing it. I fell on the ground and hopped back up on my feet again. Bea was like uh... and said she sure hoped nobody saw that. She said we were gonna get sued. I said I didn't think anyone was back here and it was getting late. She was like mmhmm and I said you're welcome, by the way! She said yeah, and told me I was good at this! I said my back hurt.

Bea asked what we needed to do and I said I was gonna go find Little Joe's grave and if he didn't show up, I was gonna knock on it until he did. She said I wasn't allowed to destroy anything and I was like ok fine! Whatever! Let's go! Bea walked through the gateway and on ahead.

I couldn't run or jump anymore... on account of my back hurting? Yikes :(

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