Thursday 19 September 2019

369 night in the woods - revisiting germ's mom and gramma

Dear Readers,

Germ invited me to his trampoline! I was like "sure!" even though he didn't say a bit about going to his house or anything.

We walked past the many cars near his place. He said his uncles were here a lot as they worked on cars with his dad. I asked him if he drove and he said he bikes, which was better for the environment. He continues to be full of surprises!

He brought me inside his home to meet his mom, who was making dinner for us. Sloppy Joes :)

Then he decided to bring me inside to meet his grandmother. His mother said whatever happened was on him and I was like what? It was kind of ominous... This time I just went "..." and his mother asked what was up. I said I never pictured Germ having a mom. She said he was full of surprises and I said he sure was! She said I shouldn't keep his grandmother waiting and I was like oh right before going in to see her.

Germ brought me in to see his grandmother and was all like see ya!, leaving me there with her. She said this insulting and then very very weird stuff to me. Knowing what I know now, that part about going down hard in these woods and that stuff about having a dark spot that would someday take a life is pretty creepy. When I stood up to her she was all giggly and said she was just joshin' me.

I went back out to Germ who told me not to tell him what his gramma said, because it was for me only and if I gave it away, it was gone. I asked what he meant but he just went for his trampoline.

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