Monday 23 September 2019

373 night in the woods - the grave was still there... for now

Dear Readers,

After Bea was done visiting her mom's grave, I met back up with her and awkwardly asked her how it went. She said fine and that her mom was still there. I asked her if she was worried that... and then she interrupted me, which was probably for the best.

Bea brought up the sinkhole problems we had been having in town. I said I knew about them and she said that was what was wrong with my street. She said her mom was buried in a pretty low spot as they couldn't afford the hill, so she was worried. I asked her if she was worried the ground was just gonna cave in and she asked me what part of sink-hole was difficult to understand. I said we were in a graveyard! and they shouldn't make these where sinkholes are a problem! She said yeah, and they shouldn't build towns that flood and yet here we were. I said ok and asked if she was ready.

Bea continued, saying when she was down there she thought she could hear music from the top of the hill and like... voices... I was like huh and said that was uh... spooky. She said yeah and that she wasn't sure what was going on up there. I said let's go find out and asked her if she was coming. She said oh yeah, sure.

I decided to look back to see if the grave guy was still there but he wasn't anymore. We went right and up the hill.

Spooky stuff! Was this what Bruce heard the other night?

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