Tuesday 24 September 2019

374 night in the woods - 3 weird teens get personal

Dear Readers,

Bea and I walked up the hill in the graveyard. It got darker and redder and we could hear the music playing. We got to the top and found out who it actually was that was up here.

It was the three weird teens! Sitting on and around the buildings up here. Before we could say anything they said ho, weary travellers. They said we were seeking answers among the dead but they shall give us none. I laughed and said wow, hey guys! Bea asked me how I knew these kids and I laughed, saying we'd met.

I asked them what they were all doing and got no response.

I then said ok so... and they interrupted me, saying they were the keepers of the gate. Bea said there was a literal gate they were sitting in front of and they said they governed who shall pass, and who shall remain. I was like alright well, and they interrupted me again saying to answer them these questions. Truthfully. Bea was like what and they said we may pass into the realms of the dead if we did so. I was like ok ok ok fine whatever! Bea said to get on with it!!

Their first question was... if we had ever done it. I said "Done it?" with me saying the word done and Bea saying the word it. They said we heard them. I asked them how old they were and they demanded we answer. I said "No", never got around to it. They asked the same of Bea and she said yeah. I was like what? When? She said it was during summer before 11th grade. I was like really? and asked her how did I not know this? She said this was when I wasn't talking to her. I asked her who did this happen with? She was like ugh and said I didn't know him. It was at math camp. I was like math camp? and even the teens asked what math camp was. Bea said you go and do like math stuff and camp stuff. I added and apparently have lots of sex?!? She said it wasn't good, but the math was top notch though. The teens said this was boring! Next question! Bea was like geez, fine.

The teens asked us to describe our dream date. Bea said these were the stupidest questions. I agreed and asked them if they didn't want to ask something spooky at least? The teens insisted dream date!!!! Bea said fine, and said he'd be tall, dress cool, be really smart, likes good music, and they'd go to the movies... and here she was interrupted by the teens saying it was boring!

They then pointed to me and I simply said wrestling. Bea asked if I was gonna wrestle or if I was gonna watch wrestling? I said "We go to see wrestling." that they'd buy us tickets. The teens prompted they??? and I said guy or gal as I wasn't picky. I said we'd drive out to Hucklesburgh to the convention centre and we'd watch Unstoppable Hayseed VS The Impending Cronk and eat corndogs. Bea was like oof, she could eat a corndog right now but she didn't watch wrestling. One of the teens said they did and it was great. Another one of them said nobody cares! I then asked them what they wanted from me? They simply said next question...

They asked what was our most embarrassing experiences. Bea was like what?! and I said to just go with it. They demanded an answer. Bea said one time she farted in front of the class. There was a brief pause before I laughed a little. They said that's it? and Bea asked what were they expecting? They said that sucked and now it was my turn.

I was like uh... oh... gosh... and said "One time in junior high" I... and then I hesitated. They said tell and I said I'd just started getting my period and I bled on the chair in science class.

At this, the music stopped dead. The teens and Bea were like oh gosh. I continued, saying I got up at the end of class and ran. Bea was like oh no. I then said this kid came in and sat in the chair and Bea was like oh nooooooooooooo and I said later I walked by the nurse office and the kid was sitting in there with blood on his butt and the nurse was calling his mom and- and- and- he looked at me as I went past and I think he kneeew-ew-ew...

After a painful pause the teens said ok and the music started again. They said that was pretty messed up and I had come face to face with my lowest moment and that we may pass unburdened. I said unburdened?!?! and Bea said yeah for real. I was like ok let us pass already.

They said the power to pass... was in our hands all along... I was like what?! and Bea was like what the effing heck?!?? They said we may go and I was like gosh darn it! Bea said go to heck, teens and they all laughed. I said I hated everything right now. Bea said to forget it and let's go.

We walked past the teens and down the other side of the hill, where it got brighter again. That was kinda revealing! I wonder what the other options will bring? Another time I guess!

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