Sunday 29 September 2019

379 night in the woods - telling the others there's a ghost following me

Dear Readers,

I sat on the floor of Gregg and Angus' apartment with my arms huddled around my knees. I thanked everyone for coming.

Gregg and Angus said again, they lived here and Bea accepted the thanks. This was like the last time after we had done all the stuff we were planning to do involving the ghost.

Gregg asked if I had an idea of what was going on and this time I said "There's a ghost following me." with a very sad and scared look in my eyes and face. I said it just keeps showing up when we go out to investigate it. Angus then said or all of those times it could have just been a random person. I insisted no! and said I could like... feel it... in my head! I asked them why did they think I freaked out earlier?

They all made ellipses.

Then they talked about me getting migraines and stressed and going through life changes and that did weird things to people. I said whatever and declared I was going up into the woods, because I knew what I saw. They said it was late and I asked what did they care as they didn't believe me anyway.

Angus then said he'd go and this perked me up. He said he didn't believe in ghosts but he believed in me. Gregg was like aw dude! and Angus said let's go find my ghost! Bea was on board too. Everyone was on board! I was touched! I was like aw... you guys!

I thanked them for believing me and Bea said she didn't want me wandering around up there, alone, at night. I said that was close enough and Gregg said let's hunt some ghost!

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