Thursday 5 September 2019

355 night in the woods - the 90 minute drive

Dear Readers,

I called in to Bea at her shop. I asked her if she was alright as she seemed down.

She said it was nothing, just stuff. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it and she said nah and I said ok. She asked what I was up to today and at first I said "Wandering around town." to which she said have fun! Then I said "*Whatever* you want to do!"

The mini section titled proximity came up, along with the car loading screen icon.

In the next scene, Bea was driving us somewhere. I asked her what kind of party this was and she said a Jackie party. I asked her what a Jackie party was and she asked if I remembered Jackie.

I don't know who she is, and the only options were variations on yes, so I just said "Yeah, she hates me." Bea said that was years ago and I was like uh huh. I said didn't Jackie have a one-woman band and she said yeah and it was called Trans World Order Give Them Hell. I made it an acronym, T.W.O.G.T.H. She said it was actually really great and that Jackie had a great scream. I immediately said I was sold on the idea!

After a pause I said TWOGTH and asked Bea to say it. She said TWOGTH. I said it again and again, with more emphasis, getting a feel for it. My eyes kinda glazed over as well. It was awesome :)

After another pause Bea said this was a party and Jackie invited her. I was like look at you! Going to secret parties and stuff! I sounded a bit like mom here :P

She told me they weren't secret parties. I said well *I* wasn't invited. Then she said she was inviting me. I was like woohoo!

Then she said we had a 90 minute drive ahead... Yikes. I was like this better be some party. She said Jackie parties were worth the trip...

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