Wednesday 18 September 2019

368 night in the woods - asking other stuff about the deep hollow hollerers

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town. Angus told me his legs were still sore from running from that dude from the other night.

I said I was sore in general and tired in general.

One of the Smelters fans got a new job and said he was moving on to better things. They had one last Go Smelters! chant together.

Newspaper guy only had news about birds flying south for the winter early.

Saleem and Sadie were now both in the old theatre! They weren't going to become a couple but they were gonna make lovely music together now :)

I looked at the posters they found and put up and they talked about the Deep Hollow Hollerers. Sadie said to try saying that three times fast and this time I chose "Deep Hollow Hollerers, Deep Hollow Hollerers" saying it twice. I messed it up though.

I asked who they were and they were surprised I didn't know. They asked how long I've lived here and this time I said "I'm 20." Sadie said I looked younger and that I'll appreciate that later in life.

They started talking about the D.H.H. and soon I asked "What happened to this place?" Sadie said that after they were found out in the woods, this place was passed from owner to owner. I was like found? Out in the woods? They said they got spooky and religious. This time I asked "Religious?" and Sadie said they got involved with gods that nobody knew about and they proceeded to tell me about how the band was later found dead in the woods, having died of exposure. I was like holy crap.

They both then celebrated their occupation of this place by playing more music for the pigeons, who appreciate quality!

But yeah, I wonder if this band was involved with the cultists.

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