Friday 20 September 2019

370 night in the woods - a bit of trampolining before the trip to the graveyard

Dear Readers,

I joined Germ on his trampoline when his uncles came out to chat with us. I assume they're his uncles!

They talked about how they were working on the roads and asked about my dad too and his job and how Ham Panther were anti-union. Some other nice chattery going on like how one of them was going to the old computer show with Germ to pick up an old machine to play an old game. Heck yeah :)

Soon it was dinner time and after that, Germ and I sat on the porch. I asked him why he invited me and he was saying how it seemed like I, more than anyone else seemed like I'd been having a tough time of it lately. I thanked him and him in general.

We went back to the car park and I said bye to him.

I finally went to see Bea, who was like whoa! when she saw me. I was like whoa back and then she asked me if I was ok. I said yeah, I guess and sure. I also said I was tired and I had a headache for days. She said I should go home and rest. She felt I would be able to veg out pretty well. I said nah I'm fine and that doing stuff helped.

Bea then asked me how I was feeling about the whole ghost thing. I said ""Ghost"?" She said sorry, ghost. I'm not sure what she was correcting herself on here, so maybe it was the tone in which she was saying it. I thanked her and said I was feeling bad. Since it happened I didn't feel rested in the morning and I also felt like someone else was in my head and my skull was going to explode. She said it wasn't good then. I said nope and she went hrm.

Bea asked me if I still wanted to check out the graveyard. I said "Actually yeah. Let's do it."

The mini section "the graveyard" came up then.

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