Wednesday 4 September 2019

354 night in the woods - asking angel about casey

Dear Readers,

I went out to see Germ, who was hanging out with someone named Angel, who was passing through. I took the opportunity to ask them a different question this time.

I asked "Have you met anyone named Casey out on the rails?" and they thought about it for a moment.

Knowing what I know now, they probably didn't :(

They asked me if I knew what Casey looked like. I said he looked kinda like me but a little taller with orange-ish hair. They said nah, they didn't recollect. They had seen like, a thousand dudes out there though. I said it was ok.

They said they'd ask around, and if they found him, or someone who's seen him, they'd say that Mae from Possum Springs was looking for him. I thanked them and told them that meant a lot to me. I told them I owed them.

They said nah, that it was a cold world, run by the worst people, and good men die for god knows what reason and that we had to take on duties for one another. I thanked them again before they left. I still don't know what their gender is but I kinda veer towards them being female.

I spoke to Germ again and he said something bad was coming. I said it was a ghost and he said there weren't ghosts because his brother would've visited. He left then in his usual happy go lucky way. Yikes. I wonder if the cult got his brother :(

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