Tuesday 10 September 2019

360 night in the woods - the boys find out about bea

Dear Readers,

After I met the secret handshaker, I went to find Bea. She and Jackie were still talking to the boys.

I was like hey Bea and she introduced me to Chris. I said hey Chris with a wave. He said hey and that my friend Bea was pretty cool. I was like awww she's ok! Bea laughed. A lot. I raised an eyebrow and told her this. She laughed some more.

Chris said her name slowly, Be-Ah-Triss and noted it was like an old name, like a book you read in second grade. Bea laughed and asked if it was a book he liked. I said "I liked ghost stories!" and mentioned how my granddad died and left me an apple crate full of ghost stories. Then there was a pause. Then Bea laughed some more. Chris said sorry about my granddad and I said it was ok as it was years ago. I then blurted out that Bea's mom was dead too. Bea then laughed even more, telling me to stop.

I then said I was sure everyone here knew someone who died! The other guy said his dog died last spring when his house exploded because of a gas leak from when his dad hit a line trying to dig up the dog they had before that because they were going to move and his dad said it had to come with them. Another pause. Jackie then said wow.

Bea then asked Chris what he was majoring in. He said Poli Sci. She said that was cool and asked if there were a lot of jobs in that. He said he didn't know, he just found it interesting. He then said he felt you had to be pretty materialistic to go to college just so you can get a job after. She said that was interesting, because- and here I butted in.

I lowered my eyes with a sceptical look and laughed, saying whoa whoa. I put a hand on my hip and said check out rich kid over here! Gonna pay zillions of dollars to go to college just 'cos something's interesting. I was like Bea, Bea! Check this dude out! I asked Chris if he ever worked a day in his life, calling him Chaz. He said he interned at his uncle's firm. I said well, *I* bagged groceries! He was like ok.

Bea then laughed her laugh, asking me if I wanted to dance some more. I said "Sure!" and she said I should go dance. Chris then said his parents owned their own business, so- and here Bea butted in, going ooh! and asked him to tell her about it. She said she knew a bit about running a small business. He asked her if she wanted to go across the street and get some pizza. She said she could eat, and it was a small business! He said she'd speak their language, get them free slices.

I then told Chris that Bea didn't like spoiled rich kids, calling him Chuck this time. Jackie told her she'd come along if that was ok and Bea said yeah! Let's go! Chris said ok. I then said "Bea knows *all* about business" and that she was super on top of things. Super smart and responsible. I said she ran the biggest store in Possum Springs. Bea laughed her laugh again and said Mae no!

The other guy asked what even was Possum Springs. Chris said it was west, in the mountains. I then said while rich kid over here was studying politicians or whatever, Bea was out in the real world. Not like these college kids.

Jackie then yelled my name. Chris said what? and Bea laughed her laugh again. I then said I was kinda over the whole college thing myself and that Bea and I basically ran Possum Springs, except there was like a ghost or something.

The other guy asked if we lived in Possum Springs. I said yeah, and asked him if he had a problem with that. Chris then said wow, and asked if we drove all the way here from Deep Hollow County, asking wasn't it like 2 hours away. Bea stammered a bit. Chris asked why she would do that. Then he said hey Rick! and said Bea here drove in from Deep Hollow! Jackie made an ellipsis.

The other guy, I suppose Rick is his name, then asked if she wasn't a student. Bea said yeah! I was like what? Bea then said she was... and then Bea did something I've never seen her do — She turned heel and ran out the door, her eyes wide. Jackie called after her, saying Bea! Wait!

Jackie walked up the stairs and out after her. Rick turned to me and asked what was that about. Chris said he didn't think she went here. Rick said so? Chris then said dude and that he didn't even know.

I had control again. Couldn't do anything but run out after Bea and Jackie.

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