Sunday 22 September 2019

372 night in the woods - checking graves, meeting grave guy

Dear Readers,

Bea and I continued walking through the graveyard before she stopped and said she was gonna go visit her mom.

Her mom was buried down ahead. She said to give her a minute or two and I said no problem and sorry. She asked what I was sorry about and I said about her mom and all. She said it was ok as this kind of thing happens. I was like cool cool cool and I was gonna check out some graves. I said I took a class on death and dying when I couldn't get into the dinosaur class back at school. It was like, something I actually knew about. She said she'd meet me back up here before walking off to the right and down. I said let's check out a grave or three.

I had control again but I couldn't run, even though I could jump. Serious instrumental music started playing. I went down to Bea who was standing at a grave. I asked was this... and she said yep... We didn't say much else so I left her to it for a while.

I wiped the leaves off a grave that read ROSE AGED 95 YEARS. I observed that it was a standard headstone, nothing fancy so it was clearly religious. I thought "Can't really be sad about this." as she had a good run, like if life was an arcade game this would be on the high score screen.

I continued left and cleaned off another grave that read CATHERINE FISHE TAKEN BY FLU 14 YEARS OLD. I was like aw dang. I thought "That's not enough time." and she probably never said anything anyone could understand. I thought you should get off at least one good sentence in life.

I continued and... there was a dude standing there! With a rake! I said hey and he said evenin'. I said evenin' back. He asked me whatchoo up to, bud? and I said I was looking for a ghost while my friend visited her mom's grave. I then said you? and he said he was the gravedigger, groundskeeper, what have ya. I asked him if we could talk shop for a sec and he said shoot. I asked him "Do you dig the graves with a shovel?" in the pale moonlight? When the ghosts stalk the rows? He said naw, that they had a little backhoe. He reckoned it scared the ghosts away too. I asked him if this job paid well and he asked if I was thinkin about diggin graves. I said it depended on the pay. He said it wasn't much. I was like oh. He said he was a wedding DJ on the side. I said that was friggin sweet. He said he would rock you, hard! I said that sounded great, my man! After a brief pause I said well, see ya! and he wished me good luck findin' my ghost!

I made a doodle in my journal of this guy with the words GRAVE GUY written underneath. I then wrote further below the page CAREER IDEA: GRAVEDIGGER. I put this opposite the doodle I made of Jen.

I walked on and cleaned another grave that read BRAD BOYSEN and it had a picture of a bicycle on it. I was like oooh fancy, thinking this guy was a fancy guy. I made a guess that "He crashed his bike." and I bet it must've been like he was racing to his sweetie's house to beg her not to leave town and he took a dangerous curve too fast and went flying off a cliff and his last words whispered into the rain in mid-air were actually I love my bike more please put it on my grave ok. Hee hee :)

After this I was like geez Bea... and wondered how long did a mom visit take. I was thinking tick tock, Beatrice, we had places to be! I then stopped myself and thought holy crap... I was being a jerk.

I then went back to the spot where we split up and met her there. She was ready.

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