Friday 6 September 2019

356 night in the woods - arriving in the city

Dear Readers,

Bea and I stood in an unfamiliar town. It was dark and rainy. There was a Speed-E-Serv Laundr-O-Mat nearby. I said I think I went here once, in girl scouts. It was to see some sort of Longest Night play. Bea remembered, as she was there too.

I remembered we were kinda stuck together back then. I asked her "Why'd you start talking to me?" and she said she was new in town and I seemed cool. I said that's it? and she said I was smart and fun. I asked what I was now and she made an ellipsis, before saying I was, ya know, fun.

I said it was like super crappy that she kept saying I wasn't smart. She said sorry and that she was mostly kidding. I repeated the word mostly back to her and said she wasn't smart either! She argued that she was valedictorian of our class! I said like that means anything in the real world. She made another ellipsis. I then said I was sorry. She said sorry too.

After a short pause it was time to go and we started walking. I told her I was kinda nervous about this.

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