Tuesday 17 September 2019

367 night in the woods - when lori m got pneumonia

Dear Readers,

I went to the church today, where mom invited me to have a rest in the library room. I took the offer.

I love that scene where granddad's ghost sits down next to me while I was sleeping. It's really sweet. I also love the brain photo thing. That's fun :)

I went out to Pastor Kate and told her Bruce had left and went home to his kids. That pause that made me wonder if she wasn't happy about this was kinda sad.

I went back to Towne Centre and not much was going on. The weird room was all locked up now so I couldn't go in there anymore.

I climbed up to Lori M and even she noticed I wasn't ok. She asked me if I was sick and said I should get some cold medicine, crackers and ginger ale and lay in bed and watch bad movies. I told her "I feel like that won't fix this one" and she told me about the time she got pneumonia and had to go to school anyway. Yikes! I asked her wasn't that contagious or something and she said she didn't know.

Then I started spacing out and murmuring. She snapped me out of it and soon I said I'd probably see her later. She seemed worried. She's too good :)

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