Sunday 8 September 2019

358 night in the woods - jackie's party

Dear Readers,

Jackie took us downstairs and into this dark night club scene with purple lighting.

Jackie was saying something to someone. She said that's why you gotta take it seriously, put your foot down and be all like no fascists at this party! The one she was talking to laughed and said right. Jackie went on, saying you don't talk this crap out, you punch that crap out. They asked if she thought that was best and she was like uh yeah. She said to carry a knife and learn to throw a punch as we couldn't have any sense of humour about this crap. Bea said mace works too. Jackie chimed mace against fascists!!! Bea laughed.

Then I came up with a wave and I was all like hey! Bea introduced me. The other one the girls were talking to said hey. Jackie was like yep, that's Mae.

Bea asked them where they were from. They said suburban Bright Harbour and that they were a couple a'born and bred harbour rats! Jackie was like wow and asked them what they were doing out here. They said it was a long story, for both of them. Bea said she had time... in a weird way. One of them suddenly said they were gonna go yell at the DJ real quick as they knew him. Bea said she'll be here and Jackie said bye boys! They walked past us.

I said they seem nice! and this was very cool! Bea said no drinking. I said ok fine.

Jackie asked us if we wanted to dance. I said yeah! Bea asked if I could dance and I asked back if anyone here could dance, really.

We walked out onto the dance floor and the music changed from a happening beat to a happy chimey tune with its own beat. We danced! I pulled different moves by moving in the four main directions!

Jackie said she thought she could see those guys back over there. Bea was like oooh yeah... and asked if we should go talk to them. Jackie said we should! I then said I could dance and never knew I could! And I was gonna keep dancing! Bea asked if I was sure and I said yeah! I couldn't remember if I had ever danced at a party before! Bea said ok and that they'd be 10 feet away. Within eyeshot. And she'd watch me. She said I wasn't to drink anything someone gives me. I told her yeah, I know. She then said seriously, if any... and I interrupted her, saying I'd be fine. Jackie told her let's go, saying that I'll be fine. She was like ok ok ok. Bea's just looking out for me :) though maybe she was a bit nervous herself.

I continued dancing!

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