Saturday 21 September 2019

371 night in the woods - spook-off in the graveyard

Dear Readers,

Bea and I arrived at the graveyard. I said it was foggy and she said it had that evening fall fog that collects between the ridges. I said it was spooky and she said it was good spooky and she gets really sad because it's not here year-round.

I said hey Bea and she said yeah and I said sorry again about last night at that party in the city. She said aaah it was cool, who needs a social life? I said this was social! She said it sure was.

We walked and didn't have the option to run or jump, so we just walked past some graves, some leafless trees and up the sloping path, until a statue came up in the background. It looked almost exactly like the janitor, except the statue was wearing a hat of some kind.

Bea pointed out the statue and I was like oooh! Also spooky! She said she thought I was actually kind of afraid. I said I was but... whatever. She asked if we were to wait here and I said yeah. She said a ghost was to show up and then made an ellipsis. I immediately said this wasn't dumb! I told her not to act like this was dumb! She said she was along for the ride.

We stood and waited. After a pause I asked her if she knew any ghost stories. She said she didn't off the top of her head. I then asked her what was scary. She said things were monumentally screwed right now and no one in power gave a crap or they were actively making it worse out of spite or profit.

I was like whoa geez! I meant stuff like a skeleton or something. She said sorry and I was like ok ok ok, we'll have a spook-off! I was to say something and she would make it spookier. She was like alright, so I started with "A skeleton in your hallway at night" She came back with a regular stranger dude in your hallway at night. I added "and he's got a knife" and she same back with him being a pharmaceutical CEO. I was like what and she continued, saying he jacked up the price of meds that keep people from dying. I was like um and she brought it back a little bit with him being a skeleton. I was like aw yeah, skeleton CEO with a knife! I then told her all the things she was scared of were boring. She said the scariest stuff was like really really boring. I was like omg Beatrice...

She asked what were we supposed to be doing and I said watching a statue or something. I then decided this was dumb and said let's go.

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