Monday 9 September 2019

359 night in the woods - secret handshake

Dear Readers,

I continued dancing until I stopped for a moment, thinking how easy it was! I wondered what the big fuss was too. I stopped dancing and got to wandering.

I went to the right. In the corner against the wall someone went *psst* to me. I said hey. They uttered some kind of proverb. I said wow and asked them if they were just hanging out in the back of the party dishing out wisdom. They didn't answer. I then said I'd keep it in mind and told them to have a good one.

I then spoke to the other one who waved and said hey you. I said hey... you. I asked if I knew them. They said nope. They asked my name. I told them "Mae Borowski". They repeated my surname back, purring the r sound. They said nice. They said it sounded so tough. I said I was extremely tough and I'd wrestle anyone! They were like woooow. Then they asked me what my story was. I said "I'm a college dropout, a ghost is chasing me, and I recently met god." I told them I had these dreams that I wasn't sure were dreams where I was running around jumbled bits of like history or something, like it was all a hairball stuck in the shower drain and yeah, there was a ghost. I said I was pretty sure it kidnapped someone on Halloween and I was pretty sure I didn't imagine that. I said my friends didn't completely buy it and I had this thing going on in my head, and I dropped out of college and I didn't even want to get into that... and all I wanted to do was come home and for things to be normal... and it wasn't really working out. I then found out tonight I could dance and then I saw her.

After a pause I said I never just listed all of that out at once before. I admit that it can be difficult to explain to other people what this game is about without babbling excitedly like this :)

They were like wow. They said they stole my life story. I laughed a little. Then they said to give them my hand. I was like oh... alright.

Then the weirdest hand mini-game thing started. Every time I got close to their hand, something repelled us away. Eventually, and I don't know how, but we were able to hold hands... in an unusual way. We held hands in such a way that made the pattern of a pentagram.

I was like oh wow. They said secret handshake. I said wow again. They laughed. I said wooooow and my whole face was smiling, even my eyes. They said it worked. I was like wow. ok. Then I said ok, and I should go find my friend to let her know I was over here. They said that was a good idea, purring out my name one last time. I laughed again. They said it was a good name. Then they said very slowly that it sounded tough. I was like mmmmokay and in the same slow way that I had to tell my friend my location. They said they'd be here. I said wow ok again and that I'd be right back.

In my journal I doodled the second pentagram! Nice find and an amazing way to find it!

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