Saturday 2 November 2019

12 undertale - greeting sans!

Dear Readers,

I found myself outside the ruins. The purple of its cracked walls contrasted with the snowy, dark forest. The doors of the ruins were shut tight and I couldn't go back in anymore.

The border also changed to tall, slim trees with snow in their branches! Just like Super Game Boy :) I love it! Gonna keep this dynamic setting!

There was a weird hum in this area. I had no idea what it was.

I checked the boulder next to the door. I found a camera hidden in the bushes. I... guess they're snow-covered bushes instead of a boulder then.

There was a single path going to the right, so I followed it. I came across a tough-looking branch but I left it there as it was too heavy to pick up. I walked ahead a little bit and heard a sharp, echoing noise. I turned back and found that the stick had been smashed like it was nothing.

Another weird hum sound added to the weird background hum that was already going on. It was very much like being in a dangerous, UFO-infested cave in EarthBound.

I continued walking.

Trees in the foreground scrolled past and at one stage, a shadowy figure passed between two of them, making a sudden trudging sound. I turned back and it was gone. I continued on the path, and the new hum got more and more intense!

I reached a bridge and stopped dead in my tracks, hearing more trudging. The figure appeared again and trudged up behind me very slowly and noisily! When it reached me it spoke. It said "H u m a n ."

Speaking in a very slow, quiet way, it asked me didn't I know how to greet a new pal? It told me to turn around and shake their hand. I did so slowly and when I went to shake their hand I suddenly heard this great big farting noise and the figure became a grinning skeleton!

The skeleton laughed, speaking in Comic Sans, saying it was the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick and it was always funny! He recognised me as a human and said that was hilarious. He introduced himself as Sans and spoke in lowercase Comic Sans. It's a very nice pun and reference to him being a comedian and speaking in this font! His voice sounded like pleasant chuckling.

Sans said he was supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but he didn't really care about capturing anybody. He said his brother Papyrus was a human-hunting fanatic though. He said he could see him up ahead.

Sans had an idea. He told me to go through this gate thingy on the bridge. Papyrus made this but made the bars too wide to stop anyone. Oh well! We both hurried through the gate and over the bridge.

Sans told me to go hide behind the conveniently-shaped lamp that we came across. I did so. It was the exact same shape as me and the lampshade was the same shape as my hair.

Sans' brother then appeared from the right, whom he greeted with a jolly "Sup bro".

Papyrus said Sans knew what was "Sup"! He was much taller and thinner than Sans. He also seemed more intense and zealous, whereas Sans seemed a lot more easy-going with his hands tucked into his jacket pockets. Papyrus also spoke in uppercase Papyrus font! His voice was more teeth-chattery too.

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