Friday 1 November 2019

11 undertale - leaving the ruins forever

Dear Readers,

For all the seriousness of that door at the end of the purple corridor, it had what looked like a smiling face. I walked through.

I entered another long purple corridor and continued into a familiar-looking dark room. There, in the middle of the room, was Flowey. I was physically unable go back.

Flowey grinned at me, calling me clever. Verrrryyy clever. They said I thought I was very smart, didn't I? Then with their plain sweet smiling face, they told me that in this world, it was kill or be killed. They said I was able to play by my own rules. I spared the life of a single person. They said they bet I felt really great, not killing anybody this time.

Admittedly, I did feel pretty good about that heart to heart and resolving the conflict with Toriel.

Flowey then asked me what I would do if I met a relentless killer? I would die and die and die, all until I got tired of trying. They asked me with their big devious grin what I would do then? Would I kill out of frustration? Or would I give up entirely on this world and let them inherit the power to control it? They said they were the prince of this world's future. They called me their little monarch and said not to worry, as their plan wasn't regicide. They said this was so much more interesting.

At this, Flowey made their head go big and laughed a maniacal laugh at me, before ducking down into the earth and disappearing.

Yikes. Flowey is kind of half-sucking up to me since I have control, but at the same time makes no secret of being a menace with a desire to rule this world for themself. Toriel only made them go away for a little while.

All alone again in this dead silent dark room, I had nowhere else to go but straight ahead and through the next fancy ruins door. The screen faded to white, even the border, and the game's title appeared dramatically: UNDERTALE, by Toby Fox.

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