Sunday 3 November 2019

13 undertale - hiding from papyrus!

Dear Readers,

I hid behind the lamp while Sans and Papyrus had a chat.

Papyrus said it had been eight days and Sans still hadn't recalibrated his puzzles! He gave out that Sans just hung out around his station! Papyrus asked what was Sans even doing?!?

Sans said he was staring at the lamp, my hiding place, saying it was really cool. He asked Papyrus if he wanted to look? Papyrus stomped his foot, saying no!! He didn't have time for that!!

Sans is a master of psychology it seems :)

Also, Papyrus' theme was a cool, 8-bit Halloweeny theme :)

He said what if a human came through here!?! He wanted to be ready!!!! He said he was going to be the one! He had to be the one! The one to capture a human! He then struck a pose with his cape flowing in the wind, saying he, the great Papyrus, would then get all the things he utterly deserved! Respect, recognition and he would finally be able to join the royal guard! People would ask to be his friend and he would bathe in a shower of kisses every morning!

Sans hummed, saying maybe the lamp would help him? Papyrus stomped and ranted again, saying Sans wasn't helping! He called him a lazybones! He said all he did was sit and boondoggle! He got lazier and lazier every day!

I thought the spell check would go nuts over the word "boondoggle" but it's an actual word. Ok!

Sans said to take it easy, as he had gotten a ton of work done today... a skele-ton! He said this part with a wink and there was a zoom in along with a rimshot! I love it! :D

Sans told Papyrus he was smiling! Papyrus said he was, and he hated it! He sighed and said why does someone as great as him have to do so much just to get some recognition? Sans said wow... it looked like he was really working himself... down to the bone! Hehe! Another rimshot!

Papyrus grunted and said he was gonna go tend to his puzzles and Sans should put more... "backbone" into it!!!! At this he laughed quite a bit before leaving back the way he came, before stepping back a bit to get last heh in! Then he left completely.

The music stopped and Sans said I could come out now. I came out from behind the lamp. He said I oughta get going as Papyrus could come back and if he did... I'd have to sit through more of Sans' hilarious jokes! *wink!*

He said it was nothing to worry about as it was just a dark cavern filled with skeletons and horrible monsters.

I started walking and Sans called to me again, asking me a favour. He said Papyrus had been a bit down lately and had never seen a human before. He said that seeing me might just make his day. He said not to worry, as Papyrus wasn't dangerous, even if he tried to be. Sans said thanks a million, saying he'd be up ahead. Then he walked ahead.

Wintry wonderland pleasant music started playing. I checked out the sentry station and saw bottles of ketchup, mustard, and relish sitting inside. So it's a food stand too?

I continued right to the next screen and the save point. The convenience of that lamp still filled me with determination... not to mention smiles! These new characters I just met are lovely and funny :)

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