Saturday 9 November 2019

19 undertale - papyrus' x and o face puzzle

Dear Readers,

While solving the first X and O puzzle in the next area, Papyrus interrupted me and asked me if there was any spaghetti left for him.

I told him I left it. He was impressed that I resisted the flavour of his homecooked pasta just so I could share it with him? Without stopping talking he said that I need not fret, as he, Master Chef Papyrus would make me all the pasta I could ever want! He then laughed and walked off to the right.

What a lovely guy he is :)

He was on the next screen, telling me Sans started a sock collection. He thought it was sad and wondered what would Sans do without such a cool guy taking care of him?

Pompous, but still lovely :)

I walked ahead and saw another X and O puzzle, a more difficult one. Papyrus said that I was taking so long to arrive that he decided to make the puzzle look more like his face. Only problem was, the snow froze to the ground and Sans was nowhere to be found. He said to fear not as he would solve this conundrum so we could both proceed! Then he said meanwhile, I was to feel free to try the puzzle myself and that he'd try not to give away the answer!

Pompous and a bit of a charmer, but still lovely :)

I talked to him more about the puzzle and he gave me all obvious hints, but with a sincere smile :) Then he asked if I dapsolutely wanted the answer. I said no and he said I was truly a puzzle passioneer!

I took an honest shot at the puzzle and solved it. He praised me and dashed on to the next puzzle, saying it might even be too easy for me.

Up ahead, Sans said good job on solving it so quickly. He said I didn't need his help and that was great, because he loved doing absolutely nothing  :)

I love the jokey, mockey approach to these puzzles, and even though the two brothers are all silly with their puzzles, they both sound absolutely genuinely lovely in their dialogue! I love them :)

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