Wednesday 6 November 2019

16 undertale - papyrus' electricity maze puzzle

Dear Readers,

After petting Doggo, I met Sans, who gave me some advice.

He said Papyrus had a very special attack... blue coloured ones. He said to imagine blue stop signs instead of red stop signs for these attacks. He used the colour yellow for emphasis in his lesson summary, which was very smile-inducing :)

I got attacked by Icecap, a little snowy guy with a huge icy stalagmite for a head. Uh... hat rather. Very proud it was too! I decided to compliment its hat and it was fairly haughty about it. I tried ignoring and it just tried to draw attention to its hat. I tried the steal option but it yelled out for the fashion police. I tried ignore again and that did the trick :)

This area just had a sign in the middle of a patch of ice. It said everywhere was ice, except for Snowdin town to the east. I went north and met a snowman who wanted to see the world. He asked me to take a piece of him and bring it with me on my travels. I obliged and he was thankful. I'll try to hang on for as long as possible!

I went to the next area, where Sans and Papyrus had their first puzzle for me! Papyrus gave out to Sans for napping at night and Sans said that was just called sleeping. Papyrus then turned to me and told me all about his puzzle, which he said I would find quite... shocking! This was his electricity maze! If I stepped wrong, the orb he was carrying would let out a shockwave! He told me to go ahead.

I stepped forward and before I even reached the invisible electricity maze, Papyrus got electrocuted! He gave out to Sans, wondering what he did. Sans said he thinks I had to hold the orb. Papyrus was like Ok! and made a big footprint trail all the way through the safe area of the maze to me! He asked me all nice and polite to hold the orb before heading back the same way. He threw the orb up in the air and it landed on my head. He then said to try the maze now!

I walked through the maze easily! I tried going off the path as I had never seen anyone on YouTube go off the path, and it just got a little buzz. No damage thankfully.

Papyrus was amazed I solved it so easily and said I wouldn't find the next one so easy! It was designed by his brother Sans and I was surely going to be confounded! He dashed off dramatically to the right, leaving Sans and me.

Sans thanked me as Papyrus seemed like he was having fun. He then said the costume Papyrus was wearing was something they made a few weeks ago for a costume party. He didn't wear anything else since and said it was his "battle body". Sans was then like, man, isn't his brother cool?

He sure is! :) I love this mock take on puzzle challenges in games!

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