Saturday 23 November 2019

33 undertale - hot date with papyrus!

Dear Readers,

After checking out Papyrus' room, we decided to start the date! Back to the battle screen! Nice dating sim music played!

He said he had never done the date thing before but not to worry! I couldn't spell "prepared" without several letters from his name! He pointed to himself and said he snagged an official dating rulebook from the library!

He read up and saw that you press X for the "Dating HUD". I pressed X and a whole load of HUD stuff appeared! Some kind of fishing one, a heart rate monitor thingy that said POPULATION, an egg, a crescent moon with the word MON on it... is that because I was playing on a Monday? Hmm... Anyway, there was a radar picking up doggies and some wobbly weather chart thing that said CRIME next to it. Yeeks! Papyrus was delighted, saying he felt so informed!

Step two was to ask them on a date and so, he declared that he would go on a date with me! I said Yes and he got all jelly eyed and blushy, saying wowie!!!

Part three was to put on nice clothes to show you care. The music stopped and changed to something quite serious. He got an intense look of concentration. He noted I was wearing a ribbon and I was also wearing clothing from earlier! He then said could it be that I wanted to date him from the very beginning!?? I said no and there was a sharp stop in the music.

He then thought to himself and said despite that, I was wearing clothes anyway. Could it all have been predestined?! A meter showing my "Dating power" rose and a tension meter started going. Intense Ace Attorney style music started playing! He said "Don't think you've bested me yet!"

He swore not to be beaten at dating and told me he had special clothes, just in case someone happened to ask him on a date! He zipped off screen for a moment and came back on, wearing a backwards cap and a shirt that said "COOL DUDE" on it :) He was like nyeh! He asked what I thought of his secret style!?! I said I love it!

My date power increased and he was like no! A genuine compliment! Then the music stopped. He said I didn't truly understand the hidden power of this outfit!!! Therefore, what I just said was invalid!

The date wouldn't escalate until I found his secret, so I was able to examine himself. I checked his feet and he talked about how human souls were stronger than monster souls, but our soles were about the same.

He said there was no secret to his legs, only hard work and perseverance.

Holding his hands made him blush but it wouldn't make him tell me the answer.

He said his shirt didn't originally have "cool" on it, but he improved it. He said all clothing could be improved this way as an expert tip!

He said who doesn't want to caress his biceps with a floating heart?

I checked his face and he revealed a present under his hat! He invited me to open this present just for me! I opened it. He asked if I knew what it was and I said of course! Spaghetti! He said I was wrong, as it was silken spaghetti, finely aged in an oaken cask! Then cooked by him, Master Chef Papyrus!

He said it was time to end this as there was no way this could go any further! I decided to eat it. My face scrunched up reflexively. He said what a passionate expression!! I must really love his cooking! And by extension, him! Maybe even more than he did! My dating power broke the bar and pow! Screen went white!

He said it was clear now that I was madly in love with him. Everything I did and said was all for his sake. He said he wanted me to be happy too and decided to express his feelings...

He hesitated before saying he was sorry, but he didn't like me the way I liked him. Romantically. He tried very hard to and thought feelings would blossom forth, but alas, he had failed. Then he decided he couldn't fail! He said he'd help me through these trying times by being my cool friend and act like this all never happened! After all, I was very great and it would be tragic to lose my friendship! He asked me to please not cry because he wouldn't kiss me, because he didn't even have lips! And someday, I would find someone as great as him! Then he said that wasn't possible, but he would help me settle for second best!

He darted off before coming back, saying if I ever wanted to call him I could ring him, platonically! Then he ran off again!

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