Tuesday 19 November 2019

29 undertale - making friends with papyrus :)

Dear Readers,

I found myself in the garage. No music at all played. There was a note from Papyrus here.

It said he was sorry but he had to lock me in the guest room until Undyne arrived. He invited me to feel free to make myself at home, telling me refreshments and accommodations were provided! How nice of him! The Nyehfully yours was nice too :)

There was nothing here however, except for doggy stuff. Doggy bed, squeaky chew toy and dry food.

At least he built the bars in the exact same way he built the gate on the bridge! Too wide to keep someone like me in! I went back outside and the same way to face him again.

He expressed worry and relief that I was gone, but found again. Then it was battle time with him again.

I got him wondering about, though he would have many admirers after my capture, would there be any that liked him as much as I did? He told me someone like me was really rare.

I lost again and he captured me again. He said that he was worried sick after I escaped last time, so he upgraded the facilities so I wouldn't want to leave!

Back in the cell/garage, there was hot dog cut up into the dry food. The note said to please ask before I escape! So polite :)

I faced him again and he supposed that since he said he'd make me spaghetti, I was sure to want to face him again! He thought once again about what to do for our date.

I got a little further and he told me to give up or he would use his special attack. Turn after turn and he said it was my last chance! Then, when his special attack finally came there was a dog munching on a bone! He yelled at it to stop! Then he said he'd use really cool regular attacks instead!

I lost again and he complimented me on my persistence. He said he was even more so and added more bits onto the word persistent than I could cope with! I was back in the doghouse! The note from this time said I didn't have to fight if I wanted a place to stay... I just had to ask!

I went back out again to face him again and he said I must want to see his face so much and he wasn't sure if he could fight someone who felt that way... but mostly... he was getting really tired of capturing me! I got an option to fight him and I said no.

Papyrus then said ok, he would accept his failure. He turned around and the fog cleared. He felt very sorry for himself, though his mouth still looked like it was smiling. His eyes were kind of sad in a resigned way. He kind of put himself down, saying that due to his failure, his friend count would remain stagnant... Aw... I then said Let's be friends!

He turned around and perked right up, his theme song playing! He was like really!? I wanted to be friends, with him??? He then said he could make an allowance for me. He was like wowie! We didn't have our first date yet and he already managed to hit the friend zone!!! Haha, that's hilarious :) I love how he's so happy regardless!

He said who knew that to make pals, all he had to do was give people awful puzzles and then fight them? He said I taught him a lot and then he declared that he hereby granted me permission to pass through! AND he would give me directions to the surface! He said to continue forward until I reached the end of the cavern and when I reached the capital, I was to cross the barrier, the magical seal trapping us all underground. He said anything can enter through it but nothing can exit, except someone with a powerful soul... like me.

He said that was why the king wanted to acquire a human. He wanted to open the barrier with soul power. After that, the monsters would be able to return to the surface.

He was then reminded of something; to get there I would have to go through the king's castle, the king of all monsters. He was about to introduce him dramatically but then said he was a big fuzzy pushover! And everybody loved him! He said that if I just said "Excuse me, Mr. Dreemurr... can I please go home?", he would guide me right to the barrier himself.

After that, he said that he would be at home, being a cool friend and said I was to feel free and come by and have that date!

Papyrus then jumped over me in almost the exact same way that Luigi jumps in Super Mario Bros. 2. And no, not Lost Levels!

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