Saturday 16 November 2019

26 undertale - the wrong number song

Dear Readers,

I left Grillby's for more mingling in the town.

A sad-looking big-eared creature all wrapped up in a scarf and hat talked about everyone making jokes instead of worrying about the crises of the day, like dreariness, crowding, lack of sunlight... They would make jokes too, but they said they weren't very good at it. Oh well.

The creature with horns next to them said they knew the underground had problems, but they smiled anyway. They said they couldn't do anything, so why be morose about it?

The path split here. I went up. A little creature said let's play Monsters and Humans... whatever that was. Another little creature didn't want to be the human again. A bigger creature with a mustache said the world felt boundless when they were younger. I didn't know they were all living creatures at first! Thought they were all rocks and stones.

I knocked on the door. Whoever was inside said it was a beautiful knock and maybe if they didn't answer the door, they could hear it again! Very nice EarthBound style joke here :)

To the right there was a big conveyor belt moving big blocks of ice out of a building. There was a big wolf here picking them up and throwing them into the water. Not sure what was going on here or why.

I continued upwards. It was just a river. The music stopped and my phone rang. It was a wrong number and they started singing a song about ringing wrong numbers! Fun :)

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