Friday 22 November 2019

32 undertale - checking out papyrus' room

Dear Readers,

After finishing the house tour, I decided to go inside Papyrus' room...

It got very quiet... I checked the place out and he told me about stuff he had.

There was a box of bones, the attacks he used on me.

I checked out his race car bed! He's like Milhouse's dad :) He said he'd like to go to the surface and drive down the highway, wind in his hair, sun on his skin... but of course that was just a dream. He has neither skin nor hair. So instead, he cruises while he snoozes!

He asked me why I was so interested in his bed and asked if I was tired. Haha :)

He had some action figures on a table! He said they were a great reference for theoretical battle scenarios. He said he had so many because they were from a chubby, smiling man who loves to surprise people... Then he said that's right! Santa!!!! Gosh... I wonder if it was implied that he was talking about Satoru Iwata for a moment? I miss him :(

I checked out his skull and crossbones flag on the wall. He said wasn't it neato? He said Undyne found it at the bay and he thinks it might be from the human world. He continued speaking, assuming I was wondering why something so cool was from the human world. Then he said his theory was that humans must have descended from skeletons!!! Hehehe :)

I checked out his bookcase. He said I was looking at one of his favourites, "Advanced Puzzle Construction for Critical Minds". It was next to another one of his favourites, "Peek-A-Boo with Fluffy Bunny" and he said the ending always gets him! Hehe :) It was all complex manuals and children's books here!

I checked the desktop computer and he said it was the internet! A place where he was quite popular! He was only a short way away from a double digit follower count! Yay :) I have a double digit follower count! Not by much though... Oh well. He then said a jealous troll has besieged his online persona. Always sending him bad puns in a goofy font... A comical font I wonder? :)

I checked his closet. He said there were no skeletons inside, except him sometimes. There were neatly folded up clothes inside.

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