Friday 15 November 2019

25 undertale - mingling in grillby's

Dear Readers,

I went into Grillby's... Lots of people to mingle with in here!

It was definitely more of a bar than a bar & grill by the looks of it...

A bunny leaning on its table wanted to see something different and meet hot guys.

The doggie guards with hoods and axes told me to be careful or the big dog would jump me and give me lots of love and affection. Aw :) They also said they wished the skeletons would throw them a bone... as they loved bones.

The move blind dog was here too! They said they were thinking of getting a spiked collar to show off their personality! Not sending a spiky message though but one of going for walkies with a leash. :)

The Greater Dog didn't speak but made this weird boing sound which sounds almost exactly like the bit in Super Mario Land 2 where you're in the casino and get the witch sticking her tongue out at you!

Another dog in armour was playing poker with itself and losing...

A guy at the bar... was he a seal or something? He said he was gonna put out a line for girls and literally make out with a fish. Yeesh.

The duck next to him said Grillbz would offer me a glass of water but didn't he didn't touch the stuff himself. Makes sense, since he's made of fire :) They went on to talk a bit about Undyne, who's really tough and beats people up.

A horse at the bar was concerned about city people moving here at the detriment of their local culture, but was looking forward to seeing city slickers slip on their butts!

A patron that was all teeth talked about human food being different from monster food. It found concepts like spoilage and excretion very disgusting and wanted to try human food.

Interesting crowd in here :) Gonna meet Undyne at some stage too...

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