Monday 18 November 2019

28 undertale - flirting with papyrus

Dear Readers,

The next house I came across was Sans' and Papyrus'! I knew from their postboxes, of which Sans' was overflowing with junk mail and Papyrus' I left closed.

I decided to visit but... the door was locked. I guess they're on duty. The building next to their house was locked from the inside.

I continued to the next screen where the music stopped entirely. I started walking and it got all chilly misty. It eventually got so thick I couldn't see. Suddenly I was face to face with Papyrus' silhouette.

He addressed me as human and then declared that he was going to tell me about some complex feelings, like the joy of finding another pasta lover, the admiration for another's puzzle-solving skills and the desire to have a cool, smart person think you are cool. He then said these feelings must be what I was feeling right now! He said he could hardly imagine what it must be like to feel that way because, after all, he was very great. He never imagined what having lots of friends was like and so, he pitied me, the lonely human.

Papyrus is like the nicest haughty person ever :)

He then said to worry not! I would be lonely no longer! He hesitated to call himself my friend as his job was to capture me and become all powerful, popular and prestigious as the newest member of the royal guard!

Battle time! I had the option to either flirt with him or insult him. I decided to flirt. He was astonished I would reveal my "Ultimate Feelings" and said he had very high standards! I then told him I can make spaghetti! I can alright in real life, though I haven't done it in a long long time. He then said oh no! I was meeting all his standards! He then said he guess that meant he had to go on a date with me?

His attacks weren't much, just bones scrolling across the screen.

He then thought about what to wear for his date. I kept trying to flirt but nothing else was happening. I then decided to spare and then he unleashed his blue attack, turning me blue! Instead of moving around to avoid, I had to jump over bones! The music changed with more instrumentation added too!

Also, jump is assigned to UP instead of A, which royally sucks :(

Meanwhile, Papyrus was dabbing cologne, sauce and all kinds of weird stuff behind his ear.

I tried spare a few times and he just kept attacking. I then got an insult in. It didn't affect much and he kept attacking and putting stuff behind his ears!

Eventually he realised he didn't have ears! But he kept attacking and fantasising about the glory of being in the royal guard after he captures me.

His attacks were now pretty good and tough to avoid. Eventually I got down to 1 HP and got hit. Then he captured me, putting me into the guardhouse — or as Sans called it, their garage.

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