Thursday 21 November 2019

31 undertale - the weird room under the sink

Dear Readers,

I checked out the area under the sink in Papyrus' and Sans' house...

There was some kind of blueprint, marked with red Xes. Couldn't tell if it meant rejection or treasure.

Two pieces of rope were here and they didn't have the will to fight and it seemed they got more frayed the more they tried to tie things together.

This big creepy thing with a smiling face lay on the floor like a deflated Barney the Dinosaur. It looked like it lost the will to fight.

There was a photo of Papyrus and the spaghetti in the picture looked like it went rancid.

The box had a single gold coin in it. Maybe it was the source of this... whatever this was.

There was a dumpling here that was hardening into a regular dump.

There was a tap that dispenses dog food, but all that came out was dog sand when I pressed it.

There was a broken game CD here. My reflection was in the shattered pieces.

There was a boombox here that totally fossilised. It could only play "rock" music now. Heh :)

There was a rejected certificate here and it looked like it had been rejected over and over.

There was another photo of Papyrus that creaked from disuse.

I then checked the big door in the centre of the wall. It was closed with a mysterious seal and played a chime and message that reminded me of Chrono Trigger :P It looked like it would probably naturally fall off by the time my journey was nearly over. The door itself was blue and red, the exact colours of Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons! Or at least, one of the first colour sets that came out. My Joy-Cons however, are the other ones from launch, the dark grey ones. So yeah, it didn't adapt to the colour Joy-Cons I was using to play!

Nothing else to check in here, so I went back out to Papyrus.

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