Monday 11 November 2019

21 undertale - snow dog graveyard

Dear Readers,

The next screen had snow dogs! Or at least... attempts at snow dogs...

Lots of happy looking heads broken off of weird skinny bodies. It looked like a happy, weird graveyard.

There was a guard station here too. It had every sign of being more of a doggie kennel though.

At the save point, the idea of the dog someday making a perfect snow dog filled me with determination :)

There was someone here who explained what was going on here. Poor doggie artist kept making the snow bodies too long and having the heads fall off... Aw...

In the area after this was another puzzle but no Papyrus to announce what it was or Sans to make jokes and stuff. They did leave snow sculptures. Papyrus looked well sculpted with very uh... fleshy muscles. Sans was just a lump of snow with "Sans" written on it with red marker haha :)

The puzzle itself was simple to do. Just did a spiral going clockwise and inwards, starting at the top left tile.

The skiddy bridge beyond made snow fall on my head. I went over and back a few times and different shapes came along! Like an arrow or a bird... fun :)

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