Wednesday 4 December 2019

44 undertale - the undyne fan walks with me through the rain

Dear Readers,

Taking an umbrella was a good call as there was lots of rain ahead. I even met that kid, the Undyne fan.

They decided to join me under my brolly. We continued down the path. They then said they thought Undyne was so cool because she beats up everyone she fights. If they were a human, they would wet the bed every night knowing she was gonna beat them up.

There was a turn in the rainy path and we continued. At one point they told a story about being in school and taking care of a flower for a project. The king, or Mr. Dreemurr as they had to call him, volunteered to donate his own flowers. He then ended up coming to their school to teach the class about responsibility and stuff. That got them thinking how cool it would be if Undyne came to their school!? She could beat up all the teachers!

We continued and made another turn in the path. They then said maybe she wouldn't beat up the teachers... as she was too cool to ever hurt an innocent person.

We walked on into this super cool area with a sparkly ceiling and a castle in the background. It was all parallax-like and silhouette-like and awesome :) They ran a bit ahead and stopped before continuing with me.

After this area was another area with umbrellas. I returned it here. Up ahead was a ledge that was way too steep. They let me climb on their shoulders though and I got up. They told me to go on ahead and not to worry about them, as they always find a way to get through. It certainly seems that way!

They ran in the opposite direction, leaving me alone again. Up ahead was a save point and more signs, saying the humans feared the monster's power and attacked them in a group. No souls were taken but countless monsters were turned to dust. The distant music box playing filled me with determination and I saved.

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