Tuesday 24 December 2019

64 undertale - the pilot episode of mettaton's quiz show

Dear Readers,

Mettaton had burst through the wall, loudly announcing today's quiz show.

Jolly music and lights showed up in the lab and Mettaton introduced this "show" introducing me as a contestant to an audience. He said the only rule was to answer correctly, or you die!

Immediately, the battle screen popped up. A waving Mettaton showed up and a nervous Dr. Alphys was there, looking very unhappy. The battle theme was all buzzing and dramatic.

Mettaton's defence was 255! Maximum byte value!

I got my first question. What was the reward for answering correctly? I chose "More questions" which was correct. Even Dr. Alphys did a thumbs up for that one!

I tried crying, but it was against the rules. The next question was Asgore's full name and I answered correctly.

I chose spare and the next question was about robots, what they were made of. I answered metal & magic, which was correct.

The next question was a long math one about the two trains thing! Yikes! I didn't choose anything and got zapped when time ran out!

The next question was about how many flies were in a jar! There were loads of them in the jar he showed me! Again I didn't answer and got zapped!

Next question was what enemy was this? It looked exactly like half a Froggit's face and so, I chose the Froggit option! However, it then zoomed out and showed Mettaton wearing a Froggit head pattern! I got zapped again! No fair! Funny, but no fair!

The next question was whether or not I would smooch a ghost. All answers said "Heck yeah!" so I chose A. It was correct, though the chime wasn't too enthusiastic sounding, and even Dr. Alphys narrowed her eyes.

The next question was how many letters were in the name Mettaton? But before I could answer, there kept on being "n"s attached to the word, making it longer and longer and longer! I chose A and got zapped again!

The next question was about an anime called Mew Mew Kissy Cutie and Dr. Alphys immediately shrieked in excitement, saying she knew the answer and gave it away and went on talking about the episode in which it appeared and about the message of the episode and... then she got embarrassed.

The devious Mettaton then asked another question... who did Dr. Alphys have a crush on? I chose Undyne and it was correct! Alphys covered her reddening face. Mettaton teased her about it, saying even a human could figure it out and she wrote her name in margins of notes and named variables after her. He said she even wrote stories about them having a domestic life together. Proof of crush: 101 percent with a margin of error of 1 percent!

Mettaton said that with Dr. Alphys helping me, the show had no dramatic tension. However, this was just the pilot episode! More to come was more romance! More drama! More bloodshed!!! Mettaton then pulled his arms and wheel inside and launched away like a rocket. The battle was over... for now.

It was just Dr. Alphys and me and this hole in the wall then. She said that was certainly something...

I rang Undyne and she said to ask a bunch of stuff of Alphys before saying not to ask any of the stuff! Aw :)

Alphys said Mettaton wasn't supposed to ask that last question! She blushed! Aw :)

...So hey, this was an entertaining scene! I decided to reload my save and then I saw that Alphys was trying to help me by making letters with her hand! I chose D for the train question and A for the flies question and D for the Fake Froggit question and C for the letters question. I came out of the fight in one piece at least!

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