Thursday 19 December 2019

59 undertale - a long chat with undyne over tea

Dear Readers,

Undyne was treating me to some tea, saying it would take a moment for the water to boil.

The water then boiled. She fixed me a cup of tea and laid it on the broken table, before sitting at the other end, telling me to be careful, as it was hot.

I hesitated and she said it wasn't that hot! I felt the pressure and took a sip. It was burning hot but otherwise pretty good. She said nothing but the best for her ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS FRIEND!!

Then she got talking. She said it was kind of strange I chose that tea, golden flower tea. It was Asgore's favourite kind. She said I reminded her of him. We were both TOTAL weenies!!!... sort of.

Some sentimental music played. She said she was a pretty hotheaded kid. She once tried to fight Asgore to prove she was the strongest. She couldn't land a single blow and the whole time, he refused to fight back. She felt so humiliated. Afterwards he apologised and said something goofy... He asked her if she wanted to know how to defeat him. She said yes and from then on, he trained her. One day, during practice, she finally knocked him down and felt bad. He was beaming though. She said she never saw someone more proud to get their butt kicked. He kept training her and now she was the head of the Royal Guard! Now she got to train dorks to fight! Like, Papyrus!

Then she said she didn't know if she could ever let Papyrus into the Royal Guard. She said not to tell him she said that. It's just that... well he wasn't weak, as he was pretty tough, but he was too innocent and nice!!! He was supposed to capture me after all and ended up being friends with me instead. She said she could never send him into battle as he would get ripped into little smiling shreds. She said that was part of why she started teaching him how to cook, so maybe he could do something else with his life.

Then she apologised for talking for so long. She got up to get me some more tea. Then she realised that Papyrus was supposed to have his cooking lesson right now! She got all intense and said if he wasn't here to have it, I would have to have it for him!!!

Her dramatic battle music started again and she hopped up on the counter, sweeping everything off it onto the floor! Oh boy... here we go!

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