Thursday 5 December 2019

45 undertale - undyne sends me to the dump

Dear Readers,

After the rainy part it got all quiet again and I walked along a bridge. Suddenly, Undyne appeared and attacked!

She made shadows and spears appear all over the place. I had to run through the maze of this bridge while avoiding them. Eventually I got to a dead end and they stopped. I turned around and came face to face with Undyne. Just then she speared the bridge between us and it broke away under my feet, making me fall...

I heard a voice speak to me. It sounded like Toriel... possibly when she found me after that first big fall I had down the hole on the mountain. She said my name sounded nice and then before she introduced herself I snapped out of it. I was laying on a flower bed after that fall I had after encountering Undyne.

I got up and waded through the water, finding and checking garbage. Further on was a save point that said something about the endless flow of garbage filling me with determination.

I continued and found a rusted bike with a horn that wheezed a honk of despair. I found a desktop computer case with nothing inside. I found a cooler with no brand and no sign of wear. Some freeze dried space food bars were inside. I found a DVD case for an anime. Desperate claw marks covered the edges.

I then found a training dummy like the one I saw at the start of the game! I chose not to beat it up. I walked past and suddenly, the dummy came alive! It looked very cross with its angry eyebrows!

It popped up in front of me with dramatic SNES-like guitar music, laughing, saying I was too intimidated to fight it. They said they were a ghost that lived inside a dummy. They said their cousin used to live inside a dummy too until I came along. When I talked to them, they thought they were in for a nice chat, but the things I said were horrible, shocking and unbelievable... Really? They said I spooked them right out of their dummy. Then they said they were going to scare my soul out of my body. They turned red and attacked!

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