Sunday 1 December 2019

41 undertale - chatting with onionsan

Dear Readers,

In this next, dark, silent area, I saw tentacles emerge out of the water. I walked on and their owner, a big sea creature with big anime eyes and a blushing face, emerged to chat with me.

They said they noticed I was... and then they introduced themselves as Onionsan. They told me Waterfall was great. They seemed to have broken English. Very enthusiastic though.

They said the water was getting so shallow here they had to sit down all the time but it beats moving to the city and living in a crowded aquarium, like all their friends did.

I like Onionsan's cartoony face :)

They said Undyne was gonna fix everything. I felt a bit bad about not answering back as they were trying to speak to me and seemed friendly enough. They bid me farewell as I left the area.

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