Thursday 12 December 2019

52 undertale - saving undyne's fan

Dear Readers,

I continued navigating the swamp, coming across a path with crystals. I had to keep it lit so I could see where I was going.

I died a good few times here, mostly due to Woshua and its cohort. I had a fun Temmie encounter here where they did like a Tron lightcycle attack thing! It was pretty awesome and funny and cute :)

I eventually got past and away from the crystals. An echo flower said "behind you" so I turned around and there was Undyne! Approaching me! They declared that with seven human souls, their King Asgore Dreemurr would become a god. He would shatter the barrier and finally take the surface back from humanity, giving them back the suffering and pain that they, the monsters had endured. They asked if I understood, that this was my only chance at redemption... to give up my soul or she would tear it from my body.

Undyne took a stance and brandished one of her spears, coming towards me slowly... battle was about to begin when... her fan jumped between us! They said they'd help her fight! They looked at me and were delighted I got front row seats to her fight!

Then they looked around and wondered who she was fighting. Undyne promptly grabbed them by the cheek/ear (?) and dragged them away from the scene.

I took the chance to get out of there myself. I waded through a corridor listening to a conversation through echo flowers, about making a wish and promising not to laugh. They wanted to climb the mountain and see the sky all around. The other laughed anyway and said that was their wish too. Aw...

I found more history that said the Angel, the one who has seen the surface will return and the underground will go empty.

I continued over a narrow bridge when I heard a familiar "YO!" behind me. It was Undyne's fan again. They said they weren't supposed to be here but... they wanted to ask me if I really was a human. Then they said they knew it! And that Undyne told them to stay away from me. They then supposed we were enemies but they didn't really think they were good at that. They asked me to say something mean so they could hate me. I said no. Then they said they had to do it then. They said they hated my guts... then they said they felt like a turd. Then they said they were gonna go home. They backed away a bit and tripped, hanging off the edge of the bridge! Undyne showed up too!

I went over to help them back up. Undyne approached. They then said to Undyne, if she was gonna hurt their friend, she was gonna have to get through them first! Undyne then backed away and turned around.

The fan then said we had to be friends instead of being enemies. Oh well! Then they said they had to go home as their parents were really worried. They left for home.

I continued onward.

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