Friday 6 December 2019

46 undertale - mad dummy attack!

Dear Readers,

The Mad Dummy accused me of being mean and attacked me!

It seemed it was a ghost and thus, impervious to physical attacks. It tried shooting stuff at me but ended up missing and hitting itself. I couldn't really talk to it. It danced like crazy all around and wacky music played with the Venus vocals :)

The only strategy I had was letting it hit itself, while trying not to get hit myself. It rambled on about many things including being in a shop window and stuff.

It even fired the ones who were attacking me! Then it replaced them with homing missile ones. After a few turns it was very unhappy with them too! Then they declared they didn't need friends as they had knives!

It threw the one knife it had at me and then laughed maniacally, saying we couldn't defeat each other so we were going to be stuck in this battle forever!

Just then, tears fell down on them and they decided to just get lost. The tears belonged to the Napstablook! They appeared and apologised for interrupting, getting all sad because they ruined the fun we were having. Aw! Not at all! You saved me!

After the battle, Napstablook said it was going home and said to feel free to come with if I wanted.

Above was the calm music again and a save point. Napstablook continued upward, saying again I was welcome to visit.

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