Wednesday 11 December 2019

51 undertale - hanging out in temmie village!

Dear Readers,

I hung out in Temmie Village for a while :)

The tune was a lovely happy tune with lots of doos and boms and chirps! The Temmies were very friendly. One introduced themselves as Temmie and introduced their next friend Temmie! This continued until the last friend in the line, who was named Bob. Hehe :)

Another Temmie said humans were such a cute. Another Temmie was a proud parent of a hard-boiled egg. There was a big statue of a very famous Tem.

There was a dancing mushroom here all poetic about trying to escape but not being able to. Also, here was another dude whose nostrils I thought were eyes. Yipe!

Another Temmie heard that humans were allergic to Tem, but that was ok as they were also allergic to Tem! Then they broke out in "hOIVS!" Yikes! Haha :)

Another Temmie was inside a crack in a wall. Was the feeling of being watched felt by my character or by them?

Nice painting here too, showing the rich history of Tem. There's a Tem and a dragon of some kind.

I went inside the shop to more joyful music and greetings from Temmie! I chatted with them for a while and they just greeted me joyfully to most of the options. It's lovely to meet these wonderful creatures :)

After this I left to navigate the swamp more. I was defeated by the Woshua and Moldbygg combo! This could get tricky...

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