Wednesday 25 December 2019

65 undertale - checking out alphys' lab/house

Dear Readers,

I was about to leave, but Dr. Alphys ran up to me and gave me her number in case I needed help.

Then she got shocked at my phone, saying it was ancient. It didn't even have texting! She excused herself and ran off screen for a moment before coming back with an upgrade she made for it! It had texting, items, a key chain and a signup for the underground's No. 1 social network. We were now officially friends! After this, she ran off to the bathroom.

I looked around her lab. She had loads of stuff at her computer workdesk. Upstairs she had a little library. The human history section had comics in it! Comics with very manga like qualities! Some science books too but they were very dusty. Her wardrobe had some dirty lab coats and one clean dress. The desk up here had letters from monsters I've met but they were all unopened. The easy to draw box bed was a cleaver joke :)

I also like the Jetsons conveyor belt that goes around her lab/house! Undyne told me to get out of her room when I rang. Haha :)

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