Saturday 7 December 2019

47 undertale - lying down and feeling like garbage with napstablook

Dear Readers,

I found myself at a crossroads. To get my bearings I backtracked a little to see where I entered from the swampland.

I met a little bird that wanted to carry me across the tiny patch of water. I let it and joyful GameBoy style music played as the little thing carried me across while flying. Yay! I asked it to carry me back as well as I wanted to continue.

That was to the west. I came up from the dump to the south. East was Hotland and I decided not to go yet. I then had three options for north. I chose the middle one first.

Two droopy houses were here that looked like Napstablook. I went inside the left one and there they were, listening to bips and beeps on headphones. They were surprised I really came. They apologised for not expecting me and said to make myself at home.

I was able to listen to different music! I listened to spooktunes, which sounded like an old spooky march. Quite nice :) I then listened to Spookwave, the same tune but with an echoey effect. The last one was Ghouliday music. It played the Jingle Bells tune but with a shaky spooky effect to it.

On the computer, the browser was open on a music sharing forum. Nice :) The TV was off. The fridge had a ghost sandwich that the Napstablook offered me. I took it, but I phased right through it. Oh well.

They said after a meal they liked to lie on the ground and feel like garbage. They asked if I wanted to join them and I said yes. I laid on the ground alongside them for a while and...

... whoa.... the room turned into a big celestial night sky wonder, making an echoey atmospheric tune play. The border disappeared too. It was cool :) this whole scene reminds me of hiding away on a computer from the world and downloading midis :3 I would've hung out with Napstablook back in the day. I would've been Napstablook.

Eventually I got back up. They thanked me for joining them and said they were gonna keep working on that mix cd.

The house next door was locked.

I continued east which was where the right path led as well. There, Napstablook was working on the family snail farm!

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