Monday 23 December 2019

63 undertale - meeting dr. alphys at last!... and mettaton...

Dear Readers,

I went into the huge LAB in Hotland. It was dark inside.

I heard the hum of machines and continued walking. I saw a big screen with my face on it! A camera was following my every move! There was stuff to examine like a messy desk, but it was too dark to do anything like that. I moved on.

Suddenly the door ahead slid open and out walked a little dinosaur thing with glasses and a lab coat. They took one look at me and went OMG! They didn't expect me to show up so soon and they got all panicky. They fussed a bit until their theme started playing. Their voice sounded like a bipping computer sound and their theme was pleasant and kooky, like something from Wario Ware.

She finally introduced herself. It was Dr. Alphys! Asgore's royal scientist! At long last we meet! She said she wasn't one of the bad guys and in fact, she had been "observing" my journey through her console ever since I left the ruins. My fights, my friendships, everything. That explains those cameras I found!

Dr. Alphys said she was originally going to stop me, but watching someone on a screen really makes you root for them. So now, she can help me instead of trying to stop me! She said with her knowledge, she could easily guide me through Hotland! Yay! She said I could get to Asgore's castle in no time! Woo!

Then she said there was a teeny problem... She said a long time ago, she made a robot named Mettaton. She built him to be an entertainment robot originally, like a TV star or something. Then she decided to make him more useful like installing... and here she hesitated... before she said anti-human combat features. But now, since observing me, she decided to remove those features! She then started sweating and said unfortunately, the robot became an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for human blood. Yikes...

Then she said hopefully we wouldn't run into him! Then the music stopped.

There was a clang. Followed by more clangs. She said oh no...

Suddenly a loud electronic robot voice said OHHHH YES! WELCOME, BEAUTIES...

This big robot thing with an LED face, arms and a wheel burst out from the wall announcing TODAY'S QUIZ SHOW!!!

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