Friday 31 July 2020

30 ace attorney 6 - trucy's notebook

Dear Readers,

Athena and I went to Trucy's dressing room to look for her noteboook. I felt weird about looking through a girl's bag, so I let Athena do it.

While rooting, Athena was saying stuff like Trucy was BAD! Yikes! This got me all curious of course as well as being pretty funny. She skipped that detail though and found no sign of the black notebook Trucy was talking about.

We had a poke around the dressing room and found Bonnie's script of the show, including the part that didn't go ahead.

There were flowers from people that appeared in the series, which is nice! I had a bit of a reaction when Prosecutor Gavin came up, probably because he was my antagonist in Ace Attorney 4.

There were a pair of actual bunnies here in a cage too, which was nice.

There was a thirteen-year-old poster of Troupe Gramarye on the wall and I pointed out who was who to Athena, who never saw them before. A lot of this stuff was a nice throwback.

We eventually found Trucy's notebook, but it was among Mr. Reus' things for some reason. There was a lock on it so we couldn't read it. Athena said a girl her age needed her privacy and secrets and I said if there was stuff about kisses or crushes, Phoenix would cry.

That was everything in this room. With that, we headed out to the stage to investigate with Ema.

Thursday 30 July 2020

29 ace attorney 6 - reunion with ema skye

Dear Readers,

Athena and I left the detention centre and headed to the Penrose Theater. Outside there we bumped into an old friend, Ema Skye! I thought she may have been in no mood to talk, so I only said hi, but she called me back, saying we had so much to catch up on!

Athena didn't know who she was so I introduced them. Alright, so I guess her last appearance was in Ace Attorney 4! I don't remember correctly.

Ema was finally an official forensic investigator! She was much more cheerful now than when I first met her and she was a detective. She even gave up Snackoos! She gleefully took our fingerprints as she was allowed to do this as much as she wanted now.

She told us the case was being treated as a homicide now. The prosecuter assigned to this case was from a different culture and wanted to argue that it was a straight up murder. Miles Edgeworth was now chief prosecutor (or at least, I don't think he was before. He also wears glasses now) and he reorganised the whole office so that corrupt prosecutors were now gone. I assume that includes Payne and how he ended up going to Khura'in? Haha!

That also meant this new prosecutor in question came from Khura'in. He investigated the scene himself and declared that this was a murder. Ema said she never met any prosecutor like him before. I'll bet, since he's from a place that just declares everyone guilty.

Ema said his name was Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. Apparently I knew of him! I don't know how his name could be a pun of something though... He was famous for going around the world and being called in on cases. She also said he was very polite and understanding.

I asked Ema would she explain to him about Trucy being a good person and she said she would. I also asked her would she let us have a look at the scene. She agreed, saying even if she said no that we'd do it anyway. Haha yeah. She wanted to come with us though so she did.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

28 ace attorney 6 - perceiving trucy's feelings

Dear Readers,

Athena and I went to see Trucy at the detention centre. She was good to talk to us, though she was downhearted and tired after everything. She wasn't sure how things went the way they did, including when the dragon thing fell from above.

Trucy revealed the details of the magic trick exclusively to us and told us about Mr. Reus.

When she told us she had to stay strong for her fans, my bracelet started reacting around my wrist, which meant that she was trying to hide something from me.

A quick refresh on how my perceive ability followed and I found her nervous tic to be her eyes shifting when she was saying the words "I'm fine" the poor thing...

She knew she couldn't hide anything from me and so, I told her she shouldn't keep everything inside or she'll burst. Isn't that the truth...

She said she couldn't tell me what she was keeping secret or else I wouldn't believe her anymore. I showed her my attorney badge, saying I swore I would always believe in my client to the bitter end.

I told her I would always believe in her and to have faith in me too. She said alright and then wondered if it really was her who stabbed Mr. Reus. She had a real sword and a rubber sword and always used the rubber one for the coffin piercing. She was wondering if she actually failed the switch this time and wasn't sure of herself about it.

Trucy despaired over the potential loss of being able to perform for Troupe Gramarye and got dark when she said she was ready to pay for what she did.

I told her I didn't think she did anything wrong. She was taken aback at this and I said I was questioning whether the accident was really her fault or not. I didn't have proof, but I didn't believe she'd ever make a mistake like that. I saw her practising and knew that she always got everything picture-perfect. She said she definitely remembered switching swords.

I doubled-down on my belief in her and said she would be "FINE!" which moved her to tears, saying she would believe in me too. Very dramatic anime-like moment!

But wow, I've never actually seen Trucy cry like this before. Even my memory from Ace Attorney 4, I don't remember her crying like this, and she went through a very sad time in that game. She was keeping a brave face here, but she was still a kid.

I asked her would she let me defend her and she said yes! Athena was in floods of tears as well. Trucy wanted to go ahead with her performance on opening day!

Trucy asked us to pick up a notebook that was very special to her and didn't want anyone to read it. She said it was in her blue handbag, this big and black notebook. I said we would. She then had to go for more police questioning.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

27 ace attorney 6 - trucy in the news

Back at the office, I wasn't able to get in touch with Phoenix. Athena wondered if he got caught up in some kind of trouble again. If only she knew!

Just then, the TV revealed the whole thing about Phoenix winning the trial over in Khura'in, so we were filled in on that.

Next up, the news spoke about the accident that just happened at Penrose Theater. (I'll use the spelling for nouns like this) The news showed footage of what happened, but didn't show Mr. Reus' body. Also, there was this weird shadow that appeared a couple of times before it flew away.

The news reporter sounded really biased in their characterisation of Trucy. Then it was revealed that she was arrested on the charge of involuntary manslaughter!

Dun dun dunnn! I forget if Trucy was ever accused of something before. I'll have to refer to a wiki or something. Speaking of which, this notes feature appeared with like, tasks and case brief and stuff.

I also don't remember Trucy putting my head in the guillotine! Did that happen in a previous game? I'll have to see!

It's still fun looking around the office with Trucy's stuff all over the place. Charley the plant is still kicking too! He's been in the series since the beginning :)

Athena was furious at how Trucy was being portrayed on TV. It was time to go visit her at the detention centre.

Monday 27 July 2020

26 ace attorney 6 - evacuated out of the theatre

Dear Readers,

It was back to Trucy's show, animated style. Bonny appeared as an antagonist and dramatically kicked Trucy into the coffin. Bonny then enraptures a dummy into command and gets it to stab the coffin, but the dummy turns into Trucy at the last moment. Trucy stabs the coffin, opens it for a dramatic voila but then something unexpected happened: the body of Mr. Reus fell out of it and slumped on the ground. Uh-oh...

Panic erupts and we get evacuated. No one knows what's going on. This guy then comes up to us and is outraged that he wasn't let in. He was all fancily dressed and was holding a takeaway coffee cup. We find out his name is Mr. Retinz and he works behind the scenes. He then tries to get inside again.

It was time to head to the office. I made sure to stick around and look at the surroundings. There was a guy with a dog looking at Trucy's poster. He seemed to be a big fan. There was also a weird clock that didn't tell the right time with some guy trying to set his watch to it and the Penrose Theatre had this cubic optical illusion thing we were able to look at more closely. 3D effect had no real effect though.

Sunday 26 July 2020

25 ace attorney 6 - hanging out with athena and trucy

Dear Readers,

Hanging out with Athena and Trucy in Trucy's dressing room, I was now able to do the more adventurey parts of the game. Trucy made my attorney's badge disappear, which was pretty entertaining.

Trucy was now the sole heir to the Gramarye magician legacy and she was practising pretty hard for her big show. We got a special preview for VIPs because we're friends and family. She revealed that she was nervous and I gave her a boost with my loud "FINE!" expression of reassurance that I use for myself in the courtroom.

Bonny is introduced and she is very much like a bunny with the smile and ears and everything. She's part of the act and in an eerie way she made a comparison with tightrope walking.

After the dialogue it was time to go back to our seats and I had no option but to move. I should've examined surroundings when I had the chance.

Saturday 25 July 2020

24 ace attorney 6 - trucy's new show

Dear Readers,

That was episode 1 of the game! Now on to episode 2!

An opening animated scene showed a girl going along a path before being confronted by a dragon. She revealed herself to be Trucy and beat the baddie, Mr. Reus! It was a show she was putting on in Penrose Theatre.

Athena applauded her performance. Her show was called Trucy in Gramarye Land, kinda like Alice in Wonderland except with herself and the Gramarye... I think that's a reference to her birth family if I remember right.

Athena and I agreed this would bring great attention to the Wright Anything Agency, though they would mostly be interested in Trucy.

I was now Apollo Justice in this episode! This takes place when Phoenix went away on the trip to that weird country in the first episode to see Maya.

It's a nice introduction to these three characters again... haven't seen them in quite a while. This doesn't include Athena's Widget, who also speaks.

We went into Trucy's dressing room during the break, where she was signing a contract to turn her show into a TV special. Nice!

Friday 24 July 2020

23 ace attorney 6 – scary dudes hearing about the not guilty verdict

 Dear Readers,

The people in the gallery were shocked. It was the first “Not Guilty” verdict with a lawyer in twenty something years. Ahlbi thanked me and apologized for not trusting me when he found out I was a lawyer. I didn’t blame him, since lawyers were gone before he was born, but I wondered why defence lawyers were hated so much in this country. I said there was a need for us, even with the Séances. Ahlbi then shushed me and said I could be accused of being a rebel.

He then told me of rebels, the Defiant Dragons and their leader, a scary guy named Dhurke. I heard that name earlier but nothing else.

Just then, someone interrupted us, saying he wanted to talk to me. He introduced himself as the Khura’inese Minister of Justice and his name was Inga Karkhuul Khura’in. His name sounded like no laughing matter. Ahlbi addressed him respectfully and he told him to run along. He looked at me and chomped on his cigar. He said words like “see?” and used expressions like “what a mook” like he was a prohibition gangster or something.

He revealed that the poor late Paht Rohl had stolen a bunch of stuff that was found in his digs… ahem his house. His men also found that it was the insurgents, not Andistan’dhin who had the sticky fingers. Maybe this guy is like some kind of film noir private eye.

He said I pulled a cute little number in his courtroom and I stirred the pot, but he got information that was valuable to him, so he was going to let it slide this time. Okay so he’s a gangster. I guess that’s because he's the justice minister in this very one-sided justice system. He said I’d “do best to read between the lines here, chump” and that I was standing on thin ice. Among other threatening-sounding expressions he said not to forget whose soil it was I was standing on.

He was indeed scary but I was more focused on resuming the tour! Ahlbi got excited and blabbed a load of stuff at once. I was able to check the log for stuff that went by too fast, including the bed of nails foot massage? Yikes!

An ominous animated scene followed with someone mentioning the “Not Guilty” to the one named Dhurke. He spoke of the winds of change and grinned…

Thursday 23 July 2020

22 ace attorney 6 – ahlbi’s verdict

Dear Readers

When the treasure box opened the way I said it would, the others were shocked, especially Payne. This led to the conclusion that no one could’ve known how to open the box other than Pees’lubn Andistan’dhin himself!

With a dramatic point of my finger I confronted him and told him to admit to being the true killer.

At this he freaked out. He riffed loudly and brought the house down, whacking the two giant speakers away before breaking his instrument on the stand before it came down on top of his head. He then confessed and darned his luck. He couldn’t have himself discovered as the true thief so he committed the murder.

Everyone was shocked. Payne was distraught his perfect record was destroyed, so much so that his crown and hairpiece slipped off his head, now revealed to be bald.

The judge made his final verdict on Ahlbi Ur’gaid: Not Guilty!

With this, the pool shimmered and released pink butterflies all around the court! I turned on the 3D for this part!

Wednesday 22 July 2020

21 ace attorney 6 - figuring out the key

Dear Readers,

The discrepancy with the key was that we knew it as the Magatama Key but Andastan’dhin slipped up and called it the Mitamah Key after all my pressing. I didn’t spot it myself and only got it right after exhausting possibilities. Oops!

I was asked if it was a very important detail and judging by Andastan’dhin’s sweaty frantic reaction I stood firm on this point. I was finally able to connect the Song of Ceremony to it, and presented it when asked. The option came up to flip it horizontally or vertically. I got a very funny bit of text when I said horizontally, and said a word which was Magatama spelled backwards, but it was wrong. You have to flip it vertically and I was asked to prove this.

On the treasure box, there was a Mitamah shaped groove behind the butterfly. I placed it there with a “Got It!” but I didn’t have the option to yell that into the microphone, which is a pity.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

20 ace attorney 6 - figuring out the box

Dear Readers,

It was Andistan'dhin's final gig and testimony. I pressed him a bit and he asked me how I could explain why the box wouldn't unlock earlier. I had two choices: Maybe there was a different key or maybe there was a different way to open it. I chose the latter.

Many more rhyming couplets from him, delightful ones :) I had another choice to make: The secret to opening the box was either hidden in either the box or the key. I chose the box. It wasn't the right answer but lead into the other option, the key.

After this I was back to guessing which was the right piece of evidence on which statement to trigger an exit out of this and progress.

I finally got it after matching the key with the statement about the founder's displeasure. The music stopped which meant it was correct. Finally!

Monday 20 July 2020

19 ace attorney 6 - it becomes clearer about the treasure

Dear Readers,

Without any trace of the true murder weapon, things were looking grim. Payne also pointed out that I accused Mr. Andistan'dhin of being the thief, but since the real thief was the victim, the motive for murder was now gone out the window.

The judge was ready to hand down his verdict and the crowd once again called for death. Andistan'dhin encouraged them. I'm getting pretty tired of these bloodthirsty savages...

I thought carefully and repplied my thinking, particularly at the moment where the victim asked Ahlbi "Did you steal it?"

The misconception dawned on me. I was left with three choices about the treasure box: It wouldn't open, it was gone, it was empty. Of course, it was empty.

I argued that Andistan'dhin stole the treasure before and made the argument plausible enough to prompt a final testimony out of him.

Sunday 19 July 2020

18 ace attorney 6 - examining the treasure box and finding the truth

Dear Readers,

I now had a chance to examine the treasure box more closely.

I tried closing the box and it locked all by itself! I had to borrow Andistan'dhin's magatama key but it wouldn't open the box! Interesting! interesting!

I then examined the outline of a hand in the bloodstain that was on the box. I argued that this was the victim's handprint. Payne asked for proof and I showed the crime scene photo, pointing out the hand.

Payne got such a blow that he bit his own tongue! Serves him right for threatening to shear mine!

Parts of the story became clearer. Paht Rohl had the motivation to support his family when he fell on hard times and it turns out the treasure box couldn't possibly have been the murder weapon.

What could've been the murder weapon? I thought maybe the gun, but I really had no idea. I presented the Dance of Devotion photo by accident and that was the answer!

I then noticed the non-traditional looking electric guitar Andistan'dhin was holding in the photo and pointed that out.

I pointed out that this instrument was used by him to bludgeon Paht Rohl to deah and a hugely detailed piece of artwork accompanied this argument!

However, there was no evidence. Andistan'dhin said he burned it the day before the trial. Uh-oh...

Saturday 18 July 2020

17 ace attorney 6 - explaining the lights in the darkness

Dear Readers,

Andistan'dhin isn't the first rocker in the series of course. There's Gavin from Ace Attorney 4, but he wasn't all death metal like this guy is. He belted out a testimony that was novel and distracting, but still enjoyable.

I pressed his statements for amusement and clues until I got to the one about the power outage. I pointed out that he could've used the breaker at the end of the hallway to put out the lights.

I was then asked how could anyone see in the resulting darkness and I remembered the treasure box before saying I could show proof. I said I believed the victim was holding the treasure box. Everyone was perplexed.

I was asked why the victim was holding the treasure box. I had the choices that he was a devout believer, he was the security guard or he was the thief. I thought about the possibility and then chose "thief"

More shocked and outraged reactions. I was asked to show proof that the victim could've been the thief and I chose the treasure box.

Friday 17 July 2020

16 ace attorney 6 - andistan'dhin rocks out!

Dear Readers,

I raised the possibility that Andistan'dhin could've been where the culprit could've been. The judge asked if I was accusing him and I said "don't accuse", which came up in the game as a hesitation but I accused him anyway. The crowd started fussing and everyone was outraged. Payne frantically argued left right and centre until Andistan'dhin himself said hold it!

He said he couldn't forgive the fact that I called his belief into question and he made a transformation! He let his hair down, two huge speakers came out of nowhere and he started rocking out!

His bip bip became all death metal-like, vowing to take me down! The crowd became like a rock concert audience!

With this new transformation, he went on to testify again.

Thursday 16 July 2020

15 ace attorney 6 - fantastic musical testimony!

Dear Readers,

Andistan'dhin went on to sing his witness testimony. It was pretty enjoyable!

The bip bip of the text got all melodic to match the tune as well. It was really good!

He also testified that he found the victim's body in the treasure room.

We got a Dance of Devotion Photo and the diagram of the temple added to the court record.

Andistan'dhin told Ahlbi to confess, that he'll be forgiven in the Twilight Realm, but he insisted that he didn't kill the victim.

When it came time to cross-examine, the music went back to the normal one. Shucks!

Whenever he did sing again though, it got the rest of us singing too, including me. We all got a bit lyrical!

On pressing, I got him to say that he saw Ahlbi through his chamber window. However, this contradicted the notice! I raised an objection!

Andistan'dhin got a bit sweaty! His music was affected a bit too! He also revealed he had a bit of trouble with the language as he had only been here for six months.

It continues! I'm getting somewhere.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

14 ace attorney 6 - introduction to the head monk pees'lubn andistan'dhin

Dear Readers,

The next thing I had to argue was where else could the victim have been struck from. I proposed that he could've been struck from behind. I asked Ahlbi for help with this and he had Shah'do on his head, which was cute. Shah'do barked and Ahlbi said someone was there!

Payne, after telling me to give up numerous times, then brought up the idea that there was a witness there! The witness was brought in...

It was the guy from the intro! He seemed hippie-ish in his get-up and his name seemed to suggest so as well:

Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin, a mouthful that sounds like "Peace, love and understanding" was his name. He was the head monk of the temple.

I'm not sure what to do. It's gonna be a pain in the hole to type out his name all the time... easy to pronounce but a pain to type out.

Andistan'dhin (whew) played a bit of his instrument. He's also an instructor and sang a bit of the Song of Ceremony. His instrument is called a dahmalan. Not quite a sitar and not quite a guitar, but it's something.

Then it was revealed he was the instructor of the class the judge missed! Haha!

He was also the guardian of the treasure box and he showed the key around his neck, saying that the thief cracked open the box anyway. It was the Magatama Key.

I gotta say, he sings(lyricises) and plays well! He has a real hippie far out way of speaking too. He went on to give his testimony...

Tuesday 14 July 2020

13 ace attorney 6 - ahlbi reveals all

Dear Readers,

Now that Rayfa wasn't there to insult or threaten my life anymore, I was thinking we could run a real trial now, though the judge was keeping a steady eye on me.

Payne got confident again and said the accused could've been trying to steal the treasure. I had no rebuttal to this, and could only ask Ahlbi to tell the truth about what happened, but he continued to hesitate.

Ahlbi then said if I believed in him enough to put my life on the line for him, then he was going to believe in me too! I was the first defence attorney he ever met and I wasn't like what he was being told about attorneys at all! He could see that now! Payne started sweating again.

Ahlbi said he often looks at the treasure, though he isn't supposed to, and love the way it glows in the dark, being covered in a mineral called fluorenite.

It's funny the way puffs of air comes out his nose when he gets excited about something!

Ahlbi said the stairs from the Séance were from the hallway to the treasure room and not the room itself. He then revealed that Paht Rohl asked him "Did you steal it?"

Payne was delighted and conjured up another theory that incriminated Ahlbi. Just then, the thing that was inside Ahlbi's bag finally broke free and jumped out into his head. It was a little dog! The one he was referring to as Shah'do!

No I wasn't going to cross-examine an animal this time! I remember the parrot from the first game :)

Monday 13 July 2020

12 ace attorney 6 - rayfa's removal

Dear Readers,

I'm still getting used to blogging with these new changes I made recently, and I made the mistake of saving after getting two penalties! D'oh!

The decisive moment was here but it meant I had to point something out in the crime photo, which confused me for a bit. I had no idea what to do, so I made a few guesses until I got it right with the gun on the victim's hip.

I proposed that Ahlbi had his hands raised in the air because the gun was pointed at him, like when the police pointed their guns at him as he was being arrested.

Rayfa was so surprised she tumbled to the floor. The crowd started chattering and Payne continued sweating. The crowd spoke of someone named Dhurke and got angry at me again. I learned a new word: lese-majesty, which means to do wrong to majesty. 

The judge told everyone to calm down and accepted my argument. This made Rayfa angry, calling him a non-believer. The judge got firm with her and assured her of his belief but he would remove her from the courtroom, no matter who she was if she interfered with the legal process.

She got very cross and had to be removed, yelling damning things as she was being drawn away. She revealed the true maturity of her age right there and then. She was insulting before but did seem relatively dignified until now.

Sunday 12 July 2020

11 ace attorney 6 - tearing the ridiculous insights apart

Dear Readers,

After I sussed the Séance system (I should've made that the title of the last entry, it would've made for some nice alliteration), Payne was ready to account for the contradiction. I had to remain on my toes.

Rayfa's Insight was revised and it was up to me to keep finding inconsistencies.

I was stumped. I tried to match evidence with insight, but I could only match the image sensations with the insight. I eventually got it right when I raised an objection on PAIN when the insight mentioned it.

Indeed, things went black before the moment of pain happened. Rayfa started to sweat and couldn't believe her insight was in any way fallible. The judge was starting to see it too when Payne raised an objection.

Payne then brought up the fact that there was a power cut at that moment in time! Very convenient to bring that up now!

Rayfa then revised her insight to the most ridiculous thing, that the defendant feared the victim would flee in the darkness, yet she got a big round of applause for it. I immediately raised an objection at the moment it was dark, yet the song of ceremony could still be heard.

By the way, it's sad that I can't use the microphone when objecting during the insights.

I brought this fact up and Payne started sweating and the dramatic music started playing :)

The moment became decisive, and so did the stakes. It got to the point where I was being accused of lying and there was talk of me being tongue-sheared. They said "chop chop" and I could only think "stop, stop...!" which made me laugh! The savages.

Saturday 11 July 2020

10 ace attorney 6 - learning the séance system

Dear Readers,

I finally had a chance to cross-examine, or whatever this new system is in this game is called, Rayfa's Insight. She told me to make note of the words that appeared in the pool image that were picked up by the victim's five senses in his final moments.

I was able to review the Séance. Some words came up on the top screen and these five magatama spiritual thingies appeared on the bottom screen, one for each sense I guess.

Hmm... the victim cound SEE the boy, SMELL the incense, HEAR the Song of Ceremony and the boy's voice and... I'm not sure what he was TASTING... was it incense? Finally, he could FEEL pain. Also it looks like Ahlbi's holding something above his head but it isn't clear what it is.

It looks like two of these things were from the HEAR sense and none for the TASTE sense. The statement about the Dance of Devotion was the one that had emphasis in the tutorial so I chose to press the Select icon during the third thing, which was the Song of Ceremony. Rayfa's statement about this taking place after the event was incorrect!

I was able to use a cursor with context to pick the words appearing in the image, and the bottom screen of the 3DS became like a track pad! I was able to choose with the circle pad as well. After choosing the Song of Ceremony I raised an objection!

I brought up this discrepancy and the judge could see it too. The crowd gasped.

Princess Rayfa then said it was just a practice run and asked Payne to explain. Sounds like another turnabout challenge is coming up!

Friday 10 July 2020

9 ace attorney 6 - seeing the princess' insight for the first time

 Dear Readers,

The court was in an uproar when Payne presented the notice scroll that seemed to prove that Ahlbi was in the treasure room. The judge was all ready to bring his gavel down again when I slapped my desk and requested to see Rayfa's Divination Séance for myself, saying I had a right to.

Payne encouraged it for the chance to humiliate me and the judge allowed it.

Rayfa took the stand, calling me barb-headed attorney once again and calling me out for doubting how they did things in this country. I apologised on behalf of being a tourist and argued with her on the need for trials to have a defensive side. 

The crowd was outraged that I would speak to the Princess like this and called for me to be punished until she silenced them. With a few insults my way, she performed this Divination Séance, with voiced dialogue!

She went out into the middle of the courtroom and performed this dance thing, which made an image appear in the pool, a message from the victim's soul! It was explained to me that the princess can use her power of Spirit Communion to project a victim's memories of the last few moments before their demise.

Things looked really bad and Payne was delighted at seeing me realise that things looked really bad.

The judge was ready to end things again and said he wouldn't invoke the Defence Culpability Act if I gave up now. I didn't know what that was so it was explained to me, along with a few insults, that the DC Act (for short) said that I would be deemed just as guilty for supporting a criminal and would get the same sentence.

Now I know what happened to the defence attorneys in this country. Some went to prison while others received the death penalty. Payne, with his ridiculous crown was delighted at the prospect of my win streak against him and his brother coming to an end.

In fact, there was a chance now that I myself would be getting the death penalty! The judge asked me again if I wanted to continue defending Ahlbi.

The choice to continue or abandon the defence came up. I didn't know if some dramatic turn was going to happen, but I wanted to examine the Séance thing closer so I chose to continue.

I got plenty of dramatic reactions to this, including a big "That's enough!" from Princess Rayfa!

The crowd chanted death, but Rayfa challenged me to find falsehood in her Insights. I finally have this chance, even though the judge was now applying this DC act on me now...

Thursday 9 July 2020

8 ace attorney 6 - saying "hold it!" and "objection!" and feeling good again

Dear Readers,

It was time for me to cross-examine Ahlbi's testimony. The judge didn't remember how cross-examination worked since he hadn't come across it in so long and I had an option to give him a refresher. Nice tutorial trick for a game series in its 6th entry!

I chose no and went on to cross-examine Ahlbi. I had to be careful because of his outburst earlier. I got to learn more about Paht Rohl, his unfortunate circumstances and his close friendship with Ahlbi. It's very sad what happened to him with his family and everything.

The microphone responds very well in this game! Much better than in Ace Attorney 5. In fact it responds just like the first 4 games! The weird thing is, I don't press Y anymore to use it but instead I use the microphone icon on the touchscreen, which is kinda weird.

I yelled my first few "Hold it!"s and "Objection!" and the music stopped, which meant I was right! How did Ahlbi know the butterfly was green? He wasn't allowed to look at it, and the newspaper picture was black and white. At this, the judge said "Pohlkunka!" which Payne explained was an expression of surprise in Khura'inese.

Payne then revealed that Ahlbi's monk duty scroll was found in the treasure room. Dun dun dunnn!

Wednesday 8 July 2020

7 ace attorney 6 - wondering about the crime scene any why no one here likes defence lawyers

 Dear Readers,

Payne laid out the situation. Ahlbi was being tried for larceny and murder. There was a dead body belonging to a security guard named Paht Rohl, who was on patrol no doubt, haha.

Payne brought up evidence and the judge found it refreshing to see evidence being brought up after so many years of not needing any. Payne relished his position. Having no one question his position meant that he must've won many cases easily over the years.

After Payne outlined the case a bit, the judge begrudgingly let me ask a few questions. 

I asked about the crime scene. The judge gave out to me for not listening to Payne.

I asked about the murder weapon. Payne explained that it was the treasure box itself.

I didn't have a chance to ask about motive. It was straight on to cross-examination, which was another thing the judge completely forgot about, since it's something that hadn't happened in this country for over 20 years.

The judge seemed put out that he had to cancel his class since he thought he'd be finished in court earlier than this. Even Ahlbi seemed to be unhappy with me since he found out I was a defence attorney. Not sure why that is or why everyone in this country seems to have no time for them. I'll see as things go I suppose...

Tuesday 7 July 2020

6 ace attorney 6 - princess rayfa gives me a chance to defend ahlbi

Dear Readers,

The judge demanded to know who I was. I said I was a tourist and he welcomed me with the greeting. I then asked him why Ahlbi didn't have a defence attorney and he laughed with amusement at culture shock.

The judge told me that in this country, they had no need for defence attorneys, that they leave it all up to Her Benevolence's sacred power of Spirit Communion. He said her Divination Séances determined all.

I called the whole thing unfair and Rayfa called me a barb-headed buffoon, smirking at me, saying she would summon the bailiff. Ahlbi stood up and said I had no part of this and told me to go find Maya.

I decided to defend Ahlbi, since he desperately needed me right now. Plus, Maya would be pretty mad at me if I didn't. Everyone in the courtroom was shocked. The judge was about to throw me out, but Payne, of all people, interjected and said why not let me defend the accused.

Rayfa then agreed, saying why not and that a score of years had passed since they last saw a defence attorney in this courtroom. She said she wanted my barbed head on a stick. Yikes!

Well, here I am, defending Ahlbi and facing against Payne once again.

Monday 6 July 2020

5 ace attorney 6 - my first major objection!

 Dear Readers,

After Ahlbi got arrested, we found ourselves in the High Court of Khura'in's accused lobby. The bailiff wouldn't allow me into the court because I was a foreigner. He said if I wanted a picture for my scrapbook, I could take one of him holding his gun and get lost.

I told him I was a lawyer and he started sweating. While he was caught off guard, I rushed into the courtroom.

I could see Ahlbi, "Her Benevolence", what looked like Payne from the first court case in every Ace Attorney game, and the judge, who looked an awful lot like the judge from back home, except with this country's traditional attire.

The judge immediately declared a guilty verdict, even though the trial just started. The reason for this was because of something that Her Belevelonce, named as Princess Rayfa, did that reveals the truth. Something called a "Divination Séance"

The man was indeed Payne, but on the opposite side there was no one. No defence attorney at all! Ahlbi objected to his verdict, but Rayfa told him to be silent and commanded the judge to lay a penalty on him. The crowd in the court chanted something and in the middle of it all, I yelled "Objection!" taking a stand at the empty space that should've had Albi's lawyer.

Sunday 5 July 2020

4 ace attorney 6 - ahlbi darned! arrested for treason!?

 Dear Readers,

Ahlbi brought me to the temple where he is training to be a monk someday. It looks like I'm not just here on holidays, but also to see Maya Fey, who's also training in this country.

A gong rings and Ahlbi excitedly gives me a song sheet and brings me to see "Her Benevolence" doing some kind of dance ritual.

What followed was an anime cutscene and some cool Eastern singing. The one he talked about, also the one from the menu artwork doing the spinning, was doing the dancing. It was a pretty cool scene with some dramatic dancing.

Then something else dramatic happens. Ahlbi suddenly gets arrested by some policemen bursting in and pointing guns at him, telling him he's being arrested for treason!

Saturday 4 July 2020

3 ace attorney 6 - extras and dlc menus

 Dear Readers,

On booting up the game, I noticed a new menu option for extras and DLC *shakes fist*

I switched on the SpotPass option and found anime cutscenes and illustrations padlocked. They'll be revealed as I play through the game no doubt. The DLC menu has extra stuff to buy like costumes and extra special episodes and stories.

I'm guessing the special is a new episode to play and the theater episodes are just stories without any gameplay? Not sure.

Will I or won't I go for these? I'm not sure yet. Anyway, back to the game...

Friday 3 July 2020

2 ace attorney 6 - meeting ahlbi ur'gaid, who says "i'll be your guide!"

 Dear Readers,

While abroad in this exotic eastern kingdom I take a few pictures of the marketplace and temple in this town/city and meet Ahlbi Ur'gaid, a monk in training at Tehm'pul Temple, who's gonna guide me around. "Hap'piraki" is how he greets me. Nice bit of wordplay already :)

I'm here on holidays. Although I can turn screen shake off, the screen flash is still here in this game :(

Ahlbi gives me a magatama shaped treat called magatah'man to welcome me here. Unfortunately, he then announces that it costs 20 Dahmas.

After this nice introduction, we head to Tehm'pul Temple.

I just copped that Ahlbi Ur'gaid is wordplay on the phrase "I'll be your guide" which is delightfully amusing. I love this stuff :)

Thursday 2 July 2020

1 ace attorney 6 - getting spirit of justice out of the way

Dear Readers,

I've been trying to get through my 3DS digital games so I can delete them to make room for more that I can keep when the eShop eventually closes. I'm going to start with Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice, which I will call Ace Attorney 6.

The game I've kept wrapped up as a parcel on my 3DS home screen for ages after I bought it at a discount in a sale. The art features a diorama with Phoenix Wright on the left, a prosecutor on the right and girl in the centre spinning around slowly in the centre. I don't recognise these latter two characters.

I go into the game and I can skip the Capcom logo by pressing a button a couple of times. Doesn't seem too bad.

I jump into the options and see there is an option to turn off screen shaking! This is beautiful! I mean, it's a curse that games have screen shake at all nowadays but I'm glad I can turn it off here. I'd like to turn off the flashing lights as well, which happens a lot in this series. Of course I turn the screen shaking off!

I start the game and am greeted with an opening animated cutscene with enabled 3D introducing the Kingdom of Khura'in along with signs of revolution and unease.

Once again I am Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney(I've played the previous 5 games and am a big fan of the series) and I just got spooked by a cow. Of course, there's a murder to solve and someone to defend.

I'm also changing the look of my blog to feature a more dark looking screen, because screens are brighter nowadays and real life seems darker and having a bright screen would be blinding, especially during winter commutes. Hope this test works out well.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

24 travis strikes again: no more heroes - back to the trailer with the second death ball

Dear Readers,

Bishop got the Death Drive ready. He said it booted up just fine but the loading was a bit unstable. He said I could play anytime. I said nice one. Kamui then said this was where we part ways...