Monday 13 July 2020

12 ace attorney 6 - rayfa's removal

Dear Readers,

I'm still getting used to blogging with these new changes I made recently, and I made the mistake of saving after getting two penalties! D'oh!

The decisive moment was here but it meant I had to point something out in the crime photo, which confused me for a bit. I had no idea what to do, so I made a few guesses until I got it right with the gun on the victim's hip.

I proposed that Ahlbi had his hands raised in the air because the gun was pointed at him, like when the police pointed their guns at him as he was being arrested.

Rayfa was so surprised she tumbled to the floor. The crowd started chattering and Payne continued sweating. The crowd spoke of someone named Dhurke and got angry at me again. I learned a new word: lese-majesty, which means to do wrong to majesty. 

The judge told everyone to calm down and accepted my argument. This made Rayfa angry, calling him a non-believer. The judge got firm with her and assured her of his belief but he would remove her from the courtroom, no matter who she was if she interfered with the legal process.

She got very cross and had to be removed, yelling damning things as she was being drawn away. She revealed the true maturity of her age right there and then. She was insulting before but did seem relatively dignified until now.

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