Sunday 19 July 2020

18 ace attorney 6 - examining the treasure box and finding the truth

Dear Readers,

I now had a chance to examine the treasure box more closely.

I tried closing the box and it locked all by itself! I had to borrow Andistan'dhin's magatama key but it wouldn't open the box! Interesting! interesting!

I then examined the outline of a hand in the bloodstain that was on the box. I argued that this was the victim's handprint. Payne asked for proof and I showed the crime scene photo, pointing out the hand.

Payne got such a blow that he bit his own tongue! Serves him right for threatening to shear mine!

Parts of the story became clearer. Paht Rohl had the motivation to support his family when he fell on hard times and it turns out the treasure box couldn't possibly have been the murder weapon.

What could've been the murder weapon? I thought maybe the gun, but I really had no idea. I presented the Dance of Devotion photo by accident and that was the answer!

I then noticed the non-traditional looking electric guitar Andistan'dhin was holding in the photo and pointed that out.

I pointed out that this instrument was used by him to bludgeon Paht Rohl to deah and a hugely detailed piece of artwork accompanied this argument!

However, there was no evidence. Andistan'dhin said he burned it the day before the trial. Uh-oh...

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