Tuesday 14 July 2020

13 ace attorney 6 - ahlbi reveals all

Dear Readers,

Now that Rayfa wasn't there to insult or threaten my life anymore, I was thinking we could run a real trial now, though the judge was keeping a steady eye on me.

Payne got confident again and said the accused could've been trying to steal the treasure. I had no rebuttal to this, and could only ask Ahlbi to tell the truth about what happened, but he continued to hesitate.

Ahlbi then said if I believed in him enough to put my life on the line for him, then he was going to believe in me too! I was the first defence attorney he ever met and I wasn't like what he was being told about attorneys at all! He could see that now! Payne started sweating again.

Ahlbi said he often looks at the treasure, though he isn't supposed to, and love the way it glows in the dark, being covered in a mineral called fluorenite.

It's funny the way puffs of air comes out his nose when he gets excited about something!

Ahlbi said the stairs from the Séance were from the hallway to the treasure room and not the room itself. He then revealed that Paht Rohl asked him "Did you steal it?"

Payne was delighted and conjured up another theory that incriminated Ahlbi. Just then, the thing that was inside Ahlbi's bag finally broke free and jumped out into his head. It was a little dog! The one he was referring to as Shah'do!

No I wasn't going to cross-examine an animal this time! I remember the parrot from the first game :)

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