Tuesday 28 July 2020

27 ace attorney 6 - trucy in the news

Back at the office, I wasn't able to get in touch with Phoenix. Athena wondered if he got caught up in some kind of trouble again. If only she knew!

Just then, the TV revealed the whole thing about Phoenix winning the trial over in Khura'in, so we were filled in on that.

Next up, the news spoke about the accident that just happened at Penrose Theater. (I'll use the spelling for nouns like this) The news showed footage of what happened, but didn't show Mr. Reus' body. Also, there was this weird shadow that appeared a couple of times before it flew away.

The news reporter sounded really biased in their characterisation of Trucy. Then it was revealed that she was arrested on the charge of involuntary manslaughter!

Dun dun dunnn! I forget if Trucy was ever accused of something before. I'll have to refer to a wiki or something. Speaking of which, this notes feature appeared with like, tasks and case brief and stuff.

I also don't remember Trucy putting my head in the guillotine! Did that happen in a previous game? I'll have to see!

It's still fun looking around the office with Trucy's stuff all over the place. Charley the plant is still kicking too! He's been in the series since the beginning :)

Athena was furious at how Trucy was being portrayed on TV. It was time to go visit her at the detention centre.

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