Wednesday 1 July 2020

24 travis strikes again: no more heroes - back to the trailer with the second death ball

Dear Readers,

Bishop got the Death Drive ready. He said it booted up just fine but the loading was a bit unstable. He said I could play anytime. I said nice one. Kamui then said this was where we part ways...

The music changed to a sentimental tune. Kamui said his job here was done and hoped my adventure went well. I told him not to get himself killed out there. He said let's meet again, if we're both still alive. he then did some weird warping thing. I said to take care.

Back to ** On the Road ** with Jeane. I said let's hurry back home. She said she sensed and I said something, but there was a demon in his eye. I said maybe he was off to the edge of the world. I then said whatever, and let's not dwell on details.

"To be continued..." then appeared on screen and it was back to the trailer with us with slightly more modern graphics.

Got some notifications. I got a new article added to the archives and a new Death Ball game to play on the Death Drive Mk II called "Life is Destroy."

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